SID 8.0

That was awesome.

Or anything by James Brown.

Laughing like a little kid watching this, can’t wait for it.

Run, Hector!

W is still number 1 on my worst modern presidents lists. Tens of thousands dead because of a lie. Tanking the economy and general stupidity too. Reagan takes the number 2 spot, AIDS and crack are just the highlights. Trump is number 3 but he’s doing his level best to take the top spot,

No, William your dad is super badass!

Another great episode. Loved the all the songs but my favorite was, “George gettin’ coffee. Gettin’ coffee for, George.”

Still playing Wolfenstein 2 and I absolutely love it! Crazy as all Hell and just as fun. Also Titan Fall 2 is a close second.

It’s a fair score. Not the best, not the worst. The whole shooting subplot made no sense and should’ve been dumped. Even the pay off from it didn’t pay off because, Nick still got shot. Will Smith and Joel Edgerton are great in their roles and have good chemistry. The best scene for me was when Smith’s captain and the

It was a much better scene.

Wow! That was my first time seeing that. I didn’t know snakes were pack hunters.

I’ve seen a few of these and they deserve to be on the list. My personal favorite is the season closing scene of GOT, I mean come on! What was better than that? That was the holy shit scene, of all holy shit scenes! Plus the whole season was loaded with incredible scenes.

Those porgs were.

That does it! Now I have to go watch it again. I got into discussion/argument with my cousin yesterday about it. He hated it, I loved it. He didn’t like Laura Dern’s character. I understood where, Vice Admiral Holdo was coming from, I’m ex-USAF. You follow orders or the whole damn thing falls apart no matter what your

Vice Admiral Holdo, ‘do!!! That should’ve made the list of best scenes of 2017.

Barry’s reaction to seeing, Oliver in a tux was hilarious.

My favorite part

I’ll allow it.

Well I didn’t walk out angry which puts it above Batman Vs Superman. And what a difference letting Batman and Superman smile and enjoy themselves makes. Best scene was the final fight, close second was Superman’s reawakening. Barry’s eyes going wide at seeing Clark tracking him at superspeed was awesome.

Was that Portia Doubleday’s mom playing Angela’s mom? The subway robbery scene had a sign for a play starring Katia Doubleday.