SID 8.0

2014 was a banner year for action movies it’s hard to pick one as the best. The Raid 2, Cap: Winter Soldier, John Wick it’s almost impossible to choose.

We’ve all known this since the very first episode but it bears repeating. Oliver is BadAss! He went through Kane’s men like he was practicing.

Viggo, “You didn’t hear a fucking thing!”

Back in 2011 I was walking back to Penn Station and I saw Ratner sitting an out door café with a man a woman that looked like a model. My first instinct was to walk over there and start punching him in the face repeatedly for X-Men The Last Stand. I thought better of it at the time, now knowing what I know I’d risk

Normally with a movie like this heavy with unique and great characters the lead would get blown off the screen. However Hemsworth holds the center better than ever. The scene when he’s talking about Loki playing tricks on him when they were kids was the funniest line for me. If you haven’t seen it go now. This is

So glad I never started watching.

The only part of the episode that strained believability is the cop cuffing Tyrell in the front. You never ever do that.

l love this show but the details sometimes drive me crazy. You never handcuff in the front.

The Machete gang leader’s eyes are something you don’t forget either.

Almost agree with you, Winter Soldier and Civil War broke that dynamic those were knock down drag out fights literally.

The Raid is like a shot of whiskey. So damn good, when I went to see it I remember the usher who took my ticket said “It’s fucking badass.” Truer words have never been spoken. Then we got Dredd in the same damn year! How did we get so lucky?

That was my favorite episode of Fringe.

I’ve always wanted a flying car. After seeing this movie it’s all I think about. The Vegas scene when it floated into the hotel room, spun around and landed was note perfect. Plus the final car chase too.

Colonel, “But, Mr. President they brought peace to the Middle East. Why would they do that?”

Yeah sure, Tim that’s why.

David Boreanz has had the kind of career most actors would kill for.

The Unit, is the gold standard for these shows, Six included. That show actually had multiple layers to it. I watched, The Brave it was okay but not up to, Unit standard.

There really should be an intelligence test to vote or run for office.

I have a Romo jersey that I love but I just can’t wear it outside, it feels weird.

Summer, “No, not the bubble gun, I can’t brea-” Another great one in a great season all around. A lot got covered in the, Beth, Rick relationship. As gross as it is maybe a elbow grease would’ve helped them. Oh, Jerry, never change.