The DC TV series is not exactly known to have big budget...
The DC TV series is not exactly known to have big budget...
I’m talking production value wise. Square Enix games always get the best, most talented team working with high budget.
Damn... this game just looks... nothing special. What is happening? If I didin’t any better, I might mistake this for a mediocre Activision produced Marvel game they used to make.
And at the same time, video resolution just keeps getting bigger, we will be forever playing catch up. I used to think that I would eventually have the fastest internet to watch the highest resolution videos, but I now realize that it will never happen. This is why Youtube when from 240p-480p from 2005, to 144p-4K…
Oh I know, I’m talking design wise. The same thing is true for Ultimate Alliance 3, which has great character designs:
Sigh... I don’t have a Switch and I don’t plan on getting one, so I will probably never play this. But what a waste of a good artstyle.
You know what I realized late last year when I bought my first 4K TV? There will never come a time where everybody in the world have the fastest internet available. Some people will always have slower internet and stream buffering will always be a thing.
Overall... the character design and animation in Spider-Man PS4 are top notch:
Oh, it’s not just the looks that’s worrying. Why do the gameplay bits in the trailer make it look like it’s an endless runner mixed with QTE?
I know, not overtly realistic but has that generalized beauty look right? The weird thing is, the last three games made by them has exactly that style:
You know what this reminds me of? Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. All previous MvC games have their Marvel characters in their classic 616 comic book artstyle and costumes, and that meshes well with Capcom’s anime manga inspired artstyle. But Infinite has this semi realistic Ultimate Marvel MCU costumes but with cartoon…
The Arkham games also have stylized character designs, but they don’t look this generic. Maybe because this doesn’t have as big a budget as the Arkham games? This being an online game and all, it has beta access not a demo...
Something’s really off. This doesn’t look cheaply made, but it doesn’t look that great either. It doesn’t look as good as Batman Arkham Knight, it doesn’t even look as good as Spider-Man PS4.
Heh... Traversal animation feels a tad stiff, was expecting Nathan Drake fluidity, this is more Lara Croft reboot level than Naughty Dog’s highly detailed fluidity.
What the? Are you in Indonesia? How do you know about this? I live very close to a KFC and I don’t know about this.
Korean and Chinese names are written surname first in English.
Went to Japan for my honeymoon last January. Stayed at Ikebukuro (Akihabara for girls), went to Akihabara on my fourth day.
Well... Nintendo can’t do it for obvious reasons. Their home consoles use a cartridge, a different type of cartridge, another different type of cartridge, a special type of mini disc, a special type of DVD, a special type of high capacity disc and a proprietary memory card.
The PS5 might be backwards compatible with all previous PS home consoles. I say might because while the technology allows it (I think), this is Sony we’re talking about, they’re not in the habit of giving what their consumer wants.