Rich in New Mexico.

How are your equations doing? They drove me crazy back in school.

What if this is another case of false charges. We have had so many of those and that is not counting the democrat activists trying to gin up false flag hate crimes , ike the muslim girl who is now in the news. Until they are penalized for that it will continue and have a cry wolf effect on real victims, not to mention

Doc, you must be confused. Bill Clinton was the proven molester and Hil-Liar-y was in charge of what they so politely called bimbo eruptions. That was what your two paragons of virtue called his female victims, bimbos. just the type of real class one would expect from a democrat. Unlike your charges these actually

You had a monopoly on the news right up until Fox News did exist and you didn’t exactly deliver now did you? Instead of your liberal utopia we got a dysfunctional, leftist nightmare. You couldn’t even maintain the functioning society you inherited from the 1950’s.

People who are being constantly lied to and who are having a one of their news sources constantly twisted and manipulated have a right to be angry, in fact if they weren’t they would most likely be brain dead.