Bye Felica
Bye Felica
We are burying her tomrrow
She was my grandmother on my father side. RIP
Dont know
You mofo crackas trying to restrict my 1st am rights. I will not be silenced by you crackas. #NosilenceNopeace
I hope one day you face discrimanation for just the color of your skin.
Fucking CR. Tsicar Murica built on cismra and worc mij.
Do uou live in Jacksonvilke fl?
Fuck you fucking crackas im sick of you all bull shit. Fucking crackas olny think then constiutuion applies to them. I sick of it. America is a racist country and fucking racist ass shit and was built off of slavery and jim crow. So fuck you all racist crackas.
Fuck these racist ass crackas. Anerica was built off of racism and jim crow. I sick of these fucking racist ass crackas