Ricepuddin a shitty superhero

We are currently switching from the old 80's style of PT and PT test to a new program called PRT. PRT is mostly core building and fast twitch muscle ( for more information [www.armyprt.com])and a good PRT program (on the commanders) will be more mission oriented

No sniper school for me either (68 Series). I forgot when I was typing my response last night, that there are different levels of SERE, so you may be partially right on women not attending that level SERE.

Uh ma'am i think your a little confused.

Another nerd note. The HK416 was deigned for the United States Army during our quest to replace the horribly unreliable M4a1 (you can see the difference in the stoppage test posted, this test was run at the request of the late John Murtha).

Congrats 4x4 on the front page! His photography alone should have got him up here, throwing in the story is just a bonus!

I know I am going against the grain on this one, but i voted nice price. Yes you can get a decent Silvertop 4AGE for about 1k or less if you look around, your probably looking at another 1.5-2K for the turbo setup and inter cooler (closer to $2k if they didn't use E-bay or used parts). The meth tune was probably

If the Juke came from Nissan like that (well maybe a little less slammed) It would be awesome. And yes a hot hatch. As it sits it's just another top heavy CUV.

I really like the looks of this vehicle, and judging by the number it's going to be a serious Hot Hatch. I think Clarkson may have a myocardial infarction when he tests this car, because how could Hyundai possibly make a good car.

I approve of this Image!

I've been planning a trip out there, if it happens I'll head that way.

As true as that maybe it's still a big part of rally and automotive history. I won't be suprised if it ends up on Barrett Jackson in a few years going for a lot more.

32.6% of this site's commenters' mothers went into labor standing up.

Internet high five!

Subaru forums

I noticed Multitouch is not listed in the specs. Can we expect that in a future update or are we going to have to wait for 7.0S?

International Maxxpro with EFP armor and a CROWS (Common Remotely Operated Weapon System)

Let's see.

Let's see.

empty water bottles are great for peeing.