
It’s not shocking, because we all anticipated this, but it is disgusting.

...but out of kindness.

Kinja’s fucking up again. When I click on Community posts, your comment is ungreyed. When I click on Pending, you’re back in the greys. Can’t say I’ve seen that before.

Starred for Seinfeld hate.

Only the good die young.

Or life in America as a POC since day one.

...50-year-old Dan Bauman...

That name is totally wasted on anyone not a supervillain.

In Philly, I think “wiped their faces clean" means just that.

Potential pattern?

They don’t even need an excuse.

Does it include a provision exempting you from charges if you slap down an anti-vaxxer comparing mask or vaccine mandates to slavery?


Being a RWNJ, I’m just surprised he was “only” 18 and not 48.

...but it’s starting to get deep south scary here y’all.

Still not 1/10 as fucked as they need to be.

Not a new development:

It’s almost as if pregnancy isn’t even the real issue...

Years back I canvassed for SANE/Freeze, trying to fight the US military/industrial complex. Naturally, our most consistently supportive turf was always in high Dem areas. We’d chat with supporters about all the lefty issues of the day - no nukes, cutting the Pentagon budget, US out of Central America, et cetera.

Anyway, Damon, how was your day today?