
Quite possibly the greatest thing Ive ever read/seen.

lol, bet you look at these vids and think “I can do way better!” as you try climbing out of gold. The fact of the matter is that he completely shut down four ults.

i feel like its a double edged sword. Ive seen plenty of goals being made because a teammate was too busy trying to ram someone. Goes for a demo instead of rotating and then the guy moves last second and clears it to the other side. The other thing is people who wont tend to be aggressive will start being a aggressive

This seriously does not make any sense to me. Just..... How..... Incredibly envious of his dedication.

We need a VR game of you just sitting on the couch with a selection of controllers to throw at the wall. Destructible environments of course. Maybe you get points accumulated for breaking stuff and then you can buy nice things that break even nicer.

He didnt have to do anything. All he had to say was

Only 20 euros for food and drink?! I suppose Euros have a higher value so we very well could be paying about the same amount, but standard ticket prices here are about $15-$20 depending on the area for adults, $5 for a medium drink, $7 for a decent sized popcorn. A whole theatre experience for two will run you about

only 2 extra euros? Its like $20 extra over here in the states.

“The other answer is likely that Saga Frontier’s developers didn’t have time to finish the ending to Blue’s campaign, so they just stuck “The End” in the middle of a boss fight and called it a day. Remember that the next time you’re disappointed by the finale of a video game.”

I mean the fact that you have all these issues off the top of your head leads me to believe you just pay too much attention on what goes wrong instead of the right. I probably have encountered these glitches, but is that what i remember of the experience? Definitely not. Any glitch i encountered was probably fixed by

I got memed life doesn’t get worse than this!

Oooh ouch you sure showed me. lol nice try tho bud.

I honestly can’t stand how often people complain about bugs in these games. I think the most damaging bug I’ve face was getting stuck in a rock a couple times, but their games auto save out of every zone. Any smart gamer saves manually anyways. That happened twice and i lost a total of 10 minutes. I played through

Think it was the director who said he beat a puzzle in a way that wasn’t intended and realized how fun it was to beat it that way and wanted to make that a feature in some way.

Square has been pretty receptive to fan criticism and suggestions lately. Every since FFXIV went into overhaul mode, as far as i can tell, Square has seemed to recognize the value in actually listening to their fan base. Who woulda thought.

That doesn’t really answer his question as the article states there should be a quote that says “$20,000 was lost” somewhere...

Lol you people are ridiculously salty. With the money this kid is going to make he has the ability to be whoever the hell he wants to be. fast forward 15 years you’ll have a huge college debt and this kid could easily be living a dream life. Matter of fact, keep putting him down, he seems to thrive in it. Damn people

Didn’t even know this was a problem. its a story centric game. I respect that atlus want to keep the experience whole for everyone as much as they can. You may be upset about it but how upset can you be with their positive intentions? You all may complain but the second your game gets spoiled from a screenshot i can

How often on a really exhausting day have you got home sat down and watched a whole movie? I mean really think about how exhausted you’d be irl if you had to juggle everything the protagonist has to juggle. We aren’t superhuman. It actually makes a lot of sense for the character to want to go to bed and to me that’s

I choose PC cause i’m a masochist. I think for games like LoL and Overwatch you have to win worlds to “beat it” lol.