
Gamestop lets you return preowned games before 7 days...

Shortage of distractions isnt such a bad thing 

Two people can play Halo Reach with one account that has gamepass or one account that just owns it outright on xbox. This is just telling me PC gamers are whiny little kids who arent satisfied when they cant have everything their way. Coming from avid PC gamer.

Seems like the kind of movie to trip on acid and contemplate your own existence 

Every one of those of scenarios is for a very small minority. Its not like Reach is so great that people just HAVE to replay the campaign again. Im honestly kind of surprised how hyped people are for it. I remember Reach being pretty much hated by everyone. Also someone who only owns a PC probably isnt dying to play

Okay so you can have someone on Kb+M and opne on controller but that just seems awkward. For one, your friend will be at complete disadvantage if you decide to play online, 2, the kb+m user will likely have to be in a awkward position to compensate for the controller friend, and three, Most PC gamers dont have 2

The second he tries to downplay halo as space knights like we all dont know wtf Halo is, you know the article isnt worth a damn lol. Writer has a vibe of hater throughout the whole thing for some reason. Its a PC port of a game made for consoles of course itll have minor issues at launch, everyone loves the game. BTW

The steal wasn’t impressive only because of how he stole it. It meant a lot for the game as well. Not for the advantage he gained for his teammates, but for the advantage he took away from the other team. In a pro game a buff like baron means a lot. In a pro game where mechanics are pretty much an afterthought to who

Isnt it funny how some of the best games we’ve ever seen always have some back story along the lines of


lmao and a forfeit. :) 

lol wasnt that just a beta? Either way, capcom’s reputation speaks for itself on that. So ty for proving my point by only thinking of one title, and that one title was from Capcom lol. Yeah Early access got a good reputation for marketing, definitely.

Dude you got people whose literal jobs it is to advise these companies on marketing trends. These people are paid to recognize trends sometimes before they even happen. You’re telling me that EA is so great yet please tell me the last AAA title that was released in Early Access... Theres a literal wiki page of games

First off, im pretty stoned so i re-read this message like 10 times because i thought you meant EA as in electronic arts and i was just trying to make sense of it.

Early Access has a negative stigma no matter what. People can enjoy early access, but people assume that an early access product is incomplete. Then you have story after story of developers abandoning their game or not releasing updates in a timely manner. If you’re trying to market your product you don’t use a phrase

A marketing tool? Look how negatively people react the word Early Access. People hate seeing that word for their games. Early Access has a negative connotation for many gamers. There’s better “Marketing tools” at their disposal... 

People complain about Early Access way too much. It makes no sense. Maybe its because im impatient, but if i have the option between playing a half finished game a year sooner, but its still in development or Play the finished game a year later, which would probably be a completely different game to the one that went

Wow never heard of someone who button mashes on OW. I mean if you’re on console that’d make more sense. Even if i played with you before you’d be one person out of hundreds of genjis that i’ve seen not do that :D

What is this SJW shit? Get over it, its a skin. Wtf is wrong with you? PC culture is so cancer. Its a skin, like it or hate it to yourself. No need to make a article about it and create controversy out of nothing ffs. You’re only making a problem that doesn’t exist and potentially creating outrage over a ridiculous

If they were really remorseful of their actions they’d let that youtuber back in their contributor program and give him some in game stuff.