(inmates clamoring) is the new (scoffs)
(inmates clamoring) is the new (scoffs)
Yep, DIY camera dolly
"Well, that was a disaster; Frank almost ruined everything…"
Couldn't help thinking a Forstner bit would've been more appropriate, but if you're stuck with the hole saw maybe back that pilot bit out so it's not an inch ahead of the actual saw? That was probably more likely to kill him than sticking that little Olfa blade 1 1/2" into his cerebral cortex. Amateurs.
The fact that I'm actually thinking "Great, time to watch "Fear the Stupid Walking Fucking Dead" going into these last episodes, two days late, may be a sign that I'm about done with this horseshit.
While we're at it, what was so "lofty" about the Member Berries' terms? Words mean things.
So, no review after all? What does the A.V. Club have against this show?
Snodgrass! On your knees! (to…paint the sign, not to do dick sucks)
Nice to see this thread's hanging on. Just caught episode 6 and I'm loving where they're taking this story. Again, A.V. Club, sheesh.
What the hell, A.V. Club? Sure, it's no Deadwood, but it's totally worth a full season of coverage. Sheesh.
You have to really work to say something so repulsive it'll actually make me physically recoil, but by God, Jonah Ryan did it tonight! Basically gag-laughed; fully expect to be disgustedly chortling on and off for the next day or so.
I would totally listen to that. All four sides. On headphones.
Dr. Benway!
The Strokes guy? Huh. Actually didn't bug me too much. Helps to have Lee Ranaldo involved.
Oh damn it, you're right. Still, it WOULD have been hilariously cruel…
The Betty Bowers crack was hilariously cruel.