
But he didn’t, so they’re all homages to those things. I think what you’re talking about is apples and oranges. You’re talking about a few minutes of homages to other things (not actually Cenobites, a big old snake which is not necessarily Anaconda, not “clearly” the creature from the black lagoon but a similar


IMO I find pantsless Sora more disturbing. It’s sorta like Princess Sally where the visible crotch with nothing there takes it straight into the freakout zone.


“I didn’t read what you wrote but I disagree with it.”

I don’t know about Shaw Bros. movies being an inspiration, but early Dragon Ball was definitely inspired by Jackie Chan movies.

Blood, Eat, Love - How I Found My Outer Warrior and My Inner Lover, by Jasmyn Scoobydoo.

No clue, just found it on my desk.

Jason, I can’t tell what book that is. You have it cleverly concealed so I’m finding it difficult to read the title. Which one is that exactly?

I am primarily a portable gamer, so yes. This will be the first time I actually sit down and get into this game.

Ha, I still have to remind myself that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was a crossover with Fire Emblem. Although I never played the game myself, didn’t all the Fire Emblem characters not look anything like how they looked in their actual games? Anyway, I hear the game was still quite good, which I suppose is all that

Some of these definitely make me glad I picked up a switch. Battle Chef Brigade I’ve been watching for a while

As far as I can tell there has never been an official answer, so I am extremely thrilled to be able to provide one, 19 years later.

I really hope that girl is the protagonist of Beyond Good and Evil 2.