Riccardo Stone

If that! I've had a PSP for around 18 months, and I've never paid more than £15 for a game (new or preowned)

I can see why you'd think that, but the latency comes from the vita telling the console what's going on, then the console interpreting that, then applying it to the game itself. Because the Wii U does it all in one place, the process is simpler with less steps (and therefore less places for lag to occur). Also there's

The way that Microsoft/ Sony's alternatives work mean that A) it won't be proprietary (therefore most devs probably won't bother) and B) there's the potential for MAJOR latency issues (which the Wii U's architecture is structured to avoid). Whereas with the Wii U all the processing is done in the console and streamed

Well it's missing two triggers (which makes a couple of PS1 games a bit iffy to control) but the portability aspect makes up for it for me. And yeah that's true - we're still waiting on the fan translations of Type-0 and Valkyria Chronicles 3, but I've been playing a menu translation of Grand Knights History recently

I use a modded PSP for all my emulating needs, and it's almost like that was the purpose it was intended for; it works perfectly. I see people fiddling with the touch interfaces on their poorly-optimised android emulators and laugh...

Bangai-O Spirits is such an incredible game!! The physics and gameplay are perfectly balanced, and sound-loading levels has kept me playing on and off for the past 5 years!!

There was a scene in Infinite Space where one of your crew dressed in drag, and was kidnapped by space pirates who thought he was actually a woman! Infinite Space is just as mental as Platinum's other games, but in it's own way hahaha

Because one log fire just isn't enough...

Obvious troll is obvious.

If Soul Hackers and IV don't get a European release I think I might actually cry - stupid region locking -_-

I am genuinely surprised that people are still bothering with this pathetic excuse for a game. After a launch fiasco like this, and when the online DRM-I mean 'game requirement' is still in place, I would've expected everyone to jump ship... (NB. not trolling, but I fully expect a backlash based on what I've said)

If it's a budget title then I'll probably take a chance on this, otherwise I'll wait and see how the reviews pan out

...That doesn't necessarily make it bad :L

Thank God somebody's FINALLY stepped back from the guns vs games bull and actually talked about the real underlying problems in incidents like this. All credit to you, Mr Allen.

When somebody commits a criminal offence worthy of a prison sentence, they give up any rights they had to 'well-being' for the duration of their prison sentence. Beyond the basic essentials for them to live, why does a convicted criminal deserve 'well-being'?


Nintendo are, once again, a gen behind with their tech. I don't know why people are surprised anymore, it's not like this is a new phenomenon - but it has always been the case, and it has never stopped Nintendo from being successful.

Yacht Club Games' kickstarter page says that external controllers will be supported, so to answer your question, yes.

Surely violating Kickstarter's Terms of Service should lead to the specific kickstarter being voided? From where I'm sat, that seems the only fair way - you can't have one set of rules for a young girl and her (seemingly) pushy parent and another for everyone else, because it makes a mockery of kickstarters as a

I'm the same - and I tend to give preference to characters are near learning a new tech too! The only similar system I can think of off the top of my head is the Band Moves system in FFIV: The After Years, but that was really messy because moves are only learnt if you try out EVERY move combination with EVERY