
I dont see much love for Fafner Exodus in here. I feel it deserve a good watch for anyone, who is looking for a darker tone with mechs

This is only one review of the game. I'll wait for more reviews and my Fav LP youtubers opinions, before I decide to buy or not. Kotaku reviews are only 1 person, i say lets wait and see.

Edge: For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.

The only game i loved from from code masters was Perimeter... I played that for days.. too bad it failed in getting expansions done

It run android. I bet we will see the full potential of a tweaked gaming version of android can do on the tegra 3 chipset.

It run android. I bet we will see the full potential of a tweaked gaming version of android can do on the tegra 3 chipset.

I agree it sucks for cities and towns. But I think this system is design to save company money on paying for fuel for their trucks that goes state to state all year round. Our trucks waste fuel just when they park for the night anyways. This would break that

I would say yes and no to that. For some people yes they dont notice anything. But for people like me. We notice things better even when music is blaring. Never been hit, trip or surprised when i have my headset on at full blast

I have seen better "repesentation of emotions with visual and tactual transformation of the muscles" at a ghetto strip club >.>

I'm sure with the "The Council" involvment along tony stark funds and tech, they will have Midtown running full steam in a few months. I know my rent would go up even tho i dont live anywhere near the city lol

Oh great, King Kong is gonna come back isn't he >.>

Would prefer to have a series of full clones and clone part stored in a facility that with an advance teleporting mainframe, which stores the main brain and the brain would just drive a dummy brain in a clone body.

Too many Hot girls. too many crashes >.>

I'm guessing dubstep will be the base for this product

All drones fly low. That bomber can't fly high to do its job, so the camo it to match the desert in case of anyone flying above seeing it

This why I love the XDA guys. They know what to what to remove in an android software to make sure only the gets the best from their OS

Merger or not. In the future I still see us paying 200~500 for a smart phone that demand more data service with CAPS. America Data services just sucks, we are behind on other countries in our tech infrastructures. Right now tmobile and sprint are offering unlimited data which they can slow down if go u beyond a

Gonna get a Toyota now