Richard Milne

As a matter of course I avoid those links like the plague, but I've found that a few of these (I think including socialcam) will allow you to go to the link without agreeing to share if you just click "close" on the dialogue box. Don't know if it's a bug or just an unwritten "I don't agree" clause.

You guys make the stupid "London Bridge"/"Tower Bridge" mistake EVERY FREAKIN' TIME!

Because it's relatable to an audience who just think in apps!

We've been using these ones at work for a while now:

Yeah that's a fair point, as long as there are guns there are people who want to use them for crime. Those people don't care so much about those pesky permits and licenses and what not.

Yeah good luck with "concealed carry" outside of the US mate (the rest of the world is sane enough to actively prevent carrying firearms in public, as opposed to encouraging it)

Yes and yes!

It's all about Text Wrangler for me! There's a free version and a paid version, to be honest I'm not sure what more you'd even want because the free one is brilliant!

Anyone else just upgrade their Google Chrome and found that the font rendering seems completely different? Like the difference between "smooth" and "sharp" in photoshop.

Are you on Lion?

Been using Sleep as a Droid for a while (about a year?) now having used several similar alarm clock apps. It has all the same features as this but also tracks (and graphs) movement, and you can set the difficulty on the CAPTCHAs if they're enabled. The most awesome feature IMO is that you can set a threshold for

You can actually still buy these new!

Over use of the "!important" property in CSS can sometimes produce counter-intuitive results, it's best to use it sparingly. The element will most likely be inheriting it's style from another CSS rule, but I can't know for certain without seeing the rest of the stylesheet and the corresponding html.

Are you running any extensions? Adblock for instance can sometimes inadvertently stop certain scripts from running depending on where they're hosted. If it is an extension you can quickly check by disabling them all, seeing if it works, then enabling them back one by one until the problem is replicated.

Here here!

I've been wondering for months what it is about my in-law's TV that makes everything look like an episode of "days of our lives"! Glad I've gotten to the bottom of that!

I guess at the end of the day posting an arbitrary reader poll is a quick and easy way of generating a lot of page views (and therefore ad impressions).

You can get this information through google analytics, would be pretty cool to see those statistics alongside the poll results ...

Awesome idea, I would add some cranberries, and perhaps some red onion to the mix too. Maybe even some crushed cloves and cinnamon?

Certain reds are great when served chilled, especially the fruitier Pinot Noirs, Beaujolais, Chiantis.