Richard Milne

VOTE: Arch Linux

haha I completely forgot about this! My Granddad taught me this trick years ago!

If you can export from excel in CSV or tab delimited text then you can absolutely use mysql/php!

The gorillapod is a great investment. Just make sure to get the DSLR one as the compact one won't support the weight! it fits in a camera bag and will attach to just about anything, or can be used like a regular miniature tripod.

Laptop audio line out ——<3.5mm jack to 3.5mm jack lead>——> Desktop audio Line in?

You must be doing some pretty intense stuff if you need to dedicate 3GB! I have no real need for 64bit, as all I develop are relatively simple winforms apps for Windows XP.

If you're running on new/recent hardware and have plenty of RAM, but DON'T want to game, virtualising windows is the way to go!

RAM (ideally 8GB+) and a fast HDD are most important for good photoshop performance. Ideally 2 fast HDDs, one for the OS and Photoshop, and another for scratch space. Some people go a step further and create a dedicated partition on a secondary drive just for scratch space so as to avoid fragmentation.

My university library had exactly the same thing, the second the flame hit the tip of the cigarette the alarm would announce "THIS IS A NO SMOKING AREA, PLEASE EXTINGUISH YOUR CIGARETTE IMMEDIATELY"! Once it had been activated though it would "sleep" for enough time to finish smoking!

Actually I love my job!

Actually I love my job.

Half of my job entails me trailing meters and meters of CAT5e, active USB repeaters, camera flash sync cables, VGA cables, HDMI cables, and power cables; with a myriad of cable ties, velcro wraps and cable trays. I have to do this neatly and professionally, out of sight/reach of the general public but making sure we

1GB is still pretty good for a free no-fuss VPN to be used every now and then in Starbucks. Then again I rarely use public wifi, I suppose some people use it every day.

I know it's a long shot but I don't suppose anyone has any experience using the ImageMagickNET wrapper in C#?

Although a great idea, a pill bottle containing candles, matches, tin foil and a razor blade just screams "really organised smack/coke addict" to me

Tried replying yesterday but I think something went wrong!

I've generally found that the people working in apple stores are quite helpful when it comes to things like this. I have a friend who bought a macbook pro a few years ago about 2 days before the newer model was released. The guy at the store was more than happy to swap the older model for the latest one.

Nice idea but unfortunately doesn't seem to play nice with the gallery app (the default one with stock android) which 9 times out of 10 is what I want to share something from! Works well with Opera Mobile though!

I'd totally do this with photoshop, in the same way as I have done stencils in the past. Isolate the shadow/mid/highlight areas into separate colours, print each onto individual sheets, and use them as a cutting guide for the packing tape!