
Worst. Review. Ever. Obvious the writer is not familiar with anything by ATDI other than ROC or the genre itself. EMO? Jimmy Eat World? Bro… wrong review. Also, nobody gives two fucks about your reminiscing as a cross country running, sparkling clean dishwashing, baby blue car driving asshole.

Whoa dude, we don't want anyone cutting themselves…..

Yeah, lower case even…..

The Mummies: Punk as Fuck!


Uncle Tom Buck?
Uncle Remus Buck?
Uncle LaBuck?
Man, people are going to have a field day.

Pluto Nash Bridges of Madea County?

If it's Lost Levels, good luck that game is hard as hell. If it's the USA version, use the warp spots and it's super easy! You just have to know the location to throw down the potion.

I logged in just to up vote this comment and respond. I truly laughed out loud while reading this. Thank you and well played sir!