
Benghazi deserved to be investigated too—U.S. diplomats died, security failed and it wasn’t clear who attacked. Even if there were no specific failures by state department personnel, we still need to understand what happened and incorporate it into future practices. The problem lay in never finishing investigations.

I think this is part of what makes someone a good leader. I actually felt some sympathy for Trump and Kelly in this mess-I think Trump probably started from Kelly’s advice, which included something he found personally comforting after his son’s death from someone: that his son died doing a job he thought was important

It would be nice if you would take a stab at figuring out what impact the rescinded rules will actually have on students and their families.

I think it is also a reasonable choice when some sites (not *this one* of course), will post photos where the outline of dicks are visible under workout pants or other trousers.

I thinking a along the same lines, they want to pursue hateful policies, but don’t want to be called or feel like hateful people. Oppose workplace protections and entry into military service (a true lifeline out of poverty for kids who are kicked out as teenagers), sure. Champion a murdered kid? Not doing so would

Yiannopolis baffles me. How can he possibly believe that hateful shit he says? As a gay man, who exactly is he dating? Are there really gay men who are willing to fuck this guy? What is his actual policy objective? Does he have one? Could you make a reasonable to him and have him change his mind? I get that the

OH fuck. 27-34 is middle aged? I’m so god damned old.

Shelter box USA is on the ground in the Caribbean:

I think it is a problem broadly within our economy. Labor is not valued except for those at the highest levels and employers act surprised and indignant that they actually have to pay or train someone. My favorite example is a manufacturer in Milwaukee who was complaining how he couldn’t hire a machinist (a skilled

Effectively, yes, they do. Every grant you right for research has an overhead rate applied. I’ve worked under two extremes: an endowed research lab that purposely kept staff small and charged 10% of any grant, and a large research institution with a small endowment where over head was 60%. My take home salary per

They’re clawing back Medicaid expansion funds, and redistributing the ACA dedicated taxes to all states. So any red expansion states would also lose out (unless they are specifically carving out money state by state, which is unconscionable, so probably is whats going to happen).

THis is one of myself favorite Vox tricks. I don’t know how many more times they can do it, before they start running when they see Vox people coming. Such a simple question, so poorly answered, by so many people who are supposed to persuade for a living.

Portman should be deluged with calls. My senators (Cruz and Cornyn) are to busy making out with this bill in joy to pick up the phone.

He also just did a very funny segment advocating for medical marijuana on fox and friends. Pure comedy.

WHat I find so upsetting is that Graham, for sure (I don’t know anything about Cassidy except that he lied to Jimmy Kimmel), understands that millions will be worse off under this bill. Reducing government support of health care is the goal, and capping Medicaid is literally the only way that will happen. He gets it.

THe first time I heard Gorka it was during an NPR interview where I missed the top. My immediate reaction was who is this prick demeaning Audie Cornish? Think Bill O’Riley’s sneer with a British accent that is so pronounced it sounds fake.

My much younger female coworker said to me today that we have to just accept that this is the way our office runs (dominated by men). It made me so depressed. I used to feel the same—just do your job, show up, work hard, and everything will work out.

Ha! I also liked, “I could only be fair to the other side”.

As awesome as disrespecting the whole tang clan is, my favorite is:

I wonder if she might do the makeup on purpose? That lipstick is def. older lady to me. She is very young in a pretty high powered job.