
I think it is the White House, period. Obama’s staff was pretty stable and drama free so we didn’t follow them as closely, but if look at pictures of Axelrod or way back in the day, Stefanopolis when he worked in the Clinton WH, those guys were just destroyed by 1 year in.

You see calls going out in Facebook groups around Houston, that this or that church needs cleaning supplies or new packs of sock, and by the time you get there a line of cars are outside.

Totally agree with you on the boomers by the way, time for them to let go of power here.

Ouch. I know I’m getting old when I’m in “appropriate senator” age bracket.

Donald Trump’s presidency has soured me forever on the notion of pushing for a whackadoo candidate you believe will be easy to beat, because they might actually win. A senator has less consequences than president, but it is still a huge deal. In these hyper partisan times, I’ve lost faith that voters seem to even care

Set aside the laughable notion that the elderly are underrepresented in politics (considering the median age of senators in 65), Mr Arpiao’s candidacy would answer the question of can the Republican Party sink any lower?

It was on TX 77 that there were reports of it delaying evacuations (from HPD’s Chief Acevedo). I’m not sure that they would still be there now, as the evacuation window has passed.

I live in Houston. Harvey is coming ashore near Corpus Christi, and there are CPB checkpoints along the major highways that are storm evacuation routes. And they are STILL pulling people over at the checkpoints. This is a incredible use of resources that are vitally needed elsewhere and straight up endangers the lives

I hope she introduces legislation to stop this nonsense and that it is successful.


Well, 1st cousin once removed, but I guess that is the same?!

I think this is how the uber wealthy see it. They’ve paid so much in taxes, they are entitled to a special day. They are also entitled to fly on a government jet because, horror of horrors, one might expect agovernment employee to fly commercial. They paid all those taxes, shouldn’t they just get to use the plane?

I read a piece...somewhere about the distinction Trump supporters draw being being rich (like Trump) and being professional class, like a doctor or engineer. The former is viewed like you hit the lottery, through whatever combination of luck, moxie, and hard work you have on your side. The latter are viewed as the

Nah, it’s an etsy joke.

I hadn’t heard of her book before this, but the most amazing thing about it to me is that it doesn’t seem to have crossed her mind the anyone in Zambia would or could read her stupid memoir. It is such a provincial view of the world, she really thought this country was so remote, and so uneducated that they cannot

It’s not just in trump tower, it is in every hotel property that the trump’s visit/live in. The secret service actually doesn’t rent from trump in trump tower, they were subletting apartments, but moved out over a rent dispute. I think there is a trailer on the side of the road.

This was the right choice. Over the last 2-3 years there have been armed protests around Texas, including armed picketers at the office of the NAACP in Houston. We even had one standing outside my office, totally unclear what he was protesting. Given that public universities cannot, by law, ban guns on their campus,

I’ve been rewatching the west wing to make myself feel more hopeful aboutAmerica. Sorkin writes a lot of bad parts for women in there, with major women characters often serving as props for Josh, Sam, or Toby to explain something to that any woman with that job (or who watches the news) would know.

Oh jeez. This is why I should never learn about the personal/political lives of artists. I love Joss Whefon’s work, and I truly think that he was a force in creating more roles for women in front and behind the camera in Hollywood (the number of Buffyverse alums who have gone on to greater success is impressive).

I think the idea of having more monuments to artists is a great one. I might also just really like Missy Elliot. Her performance at the Super Bowl was such a great display of her vitality and clever work.