
For some reason I have started using the word tremendous all the time. It makes me crazy because I (1) Sound really stupid and (2) I hate that Fonald Trump has seeped into my brain.

I don’t like the entire layout. Emma Watson is beautiful, but the overstyled hair and not-really-clothes outfit doesn’t strike me as pretty, stylish, or that is has an interesting point of view. It just looks like they went for odd for odds sake.

Ugh. As a woman working in an old STEM industry (oil and gas), I find it so discouraging that this kind of bullshit continues in companies established over the last ten years.

His final scene on agents of shield was great, so funny and so totally true to the show sensibility, just the right amount of over the top.

Yes, especially given that I don’t know what surgery he was having. My mother is having surgery in two weeks, and the idea of life ending complications is completely terrifying. As I am almost forty, I’ve been thinking about this a lot for myself as well.

Debris! I loved Twister. Such a fun movie.

It’s really strange too, like had he watched coverage of US presidents? We are very hard on them, to the point that I don’t think I can recall one that was beloved in the own time during my lifetime. HW Bush, maybe? Though that didn’t work out to well with the one term thing. Looking back, maybe Kennedy?

God I fucking hate that we are now hearing “the winter White House” on the news. This gaudy place is a palace, entirely missing the point of the White House and the thousands of people who work there. How appropriate that our president, who seems to view himself as a king, would favor it.

I assumed he was swinging the club around after he actually took a shot or maybe a practice swing? It looks like he is on a driving range, and in my imagination, Trump golf courses have poor house elves who instantly plop down a new ball once you drive.

1) frozen pizza is delicious

This was my first thought, will I strike? Will I take it as one of my flex days? I would not be fired if I just didn’t show up but it could go bad for me even though I am a salaried, senior person who largely makes her own schedule. I’m disappointed in myself that I feel this way, I will have to give it more thought.

How old are members of Trump’s staff? If you were born after 1970, you would have experienced primary school in the age of black history month, and one of the criticisms of black history month is that ALL you learn about is George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, and Frederick Douglass. Maybe, maybe the Harlem

Maybe it is the kind of truck? My grandfather had an old F250, I think it was a ‘71. Truck sadly met its demise before I was of age to give it a go, but I recall the back being very roomy, and the ridges could have easily been smoothed over with a thermarest, or if you really getting into the ambiance, hay (hay

Totally delightful question to contemplate.

They can’t, senate rules were changed in 2012 (I think) eliminating filibuster for most senate confirmations. They boycotted today, denying quorum, so I guess they had one more card left.

The thing is, Republicans have the votes, I don’t understand what is preventing them putting it to a vote. Can the democrats stall for longer than a week on this? I thought they had played all their cards.

The Eagle Scouts I’ve known had such a great experience as part of the Boy Scouts, I’m glad that chance is now open to all boys.

So, the good news is that no oil discovery = minimal potential environmental damage from drilling. Also, Brazil has legal restrictions on activity near seafloor life. And they have hella strict liability for environmental damage. The country manager and about a dozen others working for Chevron were barred from leaving

Def. is for me!

Too true for sure.