I find it comforting now to be reminded of all the other scary, terrible episodes in our history, knowing that we made it through those times helps me believe that we will make it through this madness.
I find it comforting now to be reminded of all the other scary, terrible episodes in our history, knowing that we made it through those times helps me believe that we will make it through this madness.
Yep. My job has glass half walls enclosing staircases with marble stone stairs with sharp edges that go up six stories alongside an atrium. People look at me funny that I go to the fire/utility stairs where there are nice, grippy concrete stairs with rounded edges, easy to grasp handrails, and realwalls so one does…
I hate Trump as much as the next constitution loving American, but I am firmly #teamhandrail. Holding a handrail just makes good sense! Who wants to take a fall down stairs when there is an almost foolproof way to prevent it!?
She makes them look so effortless. I wonder how long you have to have a disc stapled to your hair before it starts to feel natural?
Me too, and it took me a minute to figure out why: this is the first case I’ve heard of where a member of the federal government stood up to Trump and shut him the fuck down. Not by embarrassing him on twitter, she did it in a court of law, because we are a nation of laws. McConnell, Ryan, and their bullshit…
I thought he was a great choice for this monologue, I am a fan of Ansari. He is insightful and cutting but just so gosh darn nice, his humor, even about tough topics, makes me feel like we’re all going to be just fine.
Brown’s offensive reference to the wrong ethnic origin goes nicely with Ansari’s joke about people telling him to “go back to...the country you’re from!”. His follow up is that the racists tend to not be geography buffs.
You’re not alone, I think many people agree that it is always wrong to use violence. I think it is also tactically wrong to use violence, because now this jerk can make himself a victim (you just know he is going to act like he was hoisted up on a cross).
Yeah, the New York Times ran a piece on how funny it was that all the poor, suffering menfolk in Montclair had to take care of the children for one entire day all by themselves! One fellow even had to miss the game! These are crazy times we’re living in when it’s the women who go off and do the protesting!
I can, for people who are in districts where they remember a steady income, even if that sort of stability never really existed. I think what is needed are viable alternatives and those are really hard to come by in the coal regions of the eastern US. The western coal areas seem to have better options.
I love (ok it makes me cry) that in answers to your question there are three or more ways in which the Trump administration plans will lead to greater incidence of a 100% preventable condition. I’ll add a fourth: if Trump is successful in reviving th coal industry, more people will get black lung.
I mean, assault is assault...but fuck that guy.
Agreed. It is a longshot at best. However, I have the misfortune to have Cruz and Cornyn as my senators, so I’m trying to be optimistic about urging them to act.
My list is long but i have to say, Chaffetz would be an excellent target, and might be an interesting test case to see if you could swing congress back to Republican rather than totally fucking crazy. Chaffetz is from a small district, in cheap media markets, and his term is only two years. He district is…
Terri Gross interviewed two former ethics lawyers for presidents’ Bush and Obama, they’ve become ethics watchdog bros over the last few months. In the interview they outline likely lawsuits against the Trump administration, bottom line, someone usually has to suffer a legal injury in order to sue.
So, the congressional committee for oversight and government reform has both a twitter account: @gopoversight, and a .gov page:https://oversight.house.gov/
Cruz is a dick, and his legendary unpopularity in the senate and in college is hilarious, but if he pulls it together he could be a useful dick. He has to hate Trump more than anybody else out there (the blackest of hearts can hold the most hate), and I can’t help thinking he is a snake in the grass, just waiting to…
One of the things I love about it is that it is new. Obama didn’t know Biden particularly well when he chose him, and their relationship had deepened over the last 8 years of working together.
I think it is meant more as an indictment of facebook’s ability to remove links to content on other sites. In this case, it is totally terrible, but I think this is going to be a bigger deal going forward as FB tries to wrestle with fake news posts.
I saw hidden figures last night. It was great! It was in Houston with a Johnson space center-heavy audience who were seriously digging the math talk and how the heroines are mathematicians and engineers.