Its a career with a lot of job security as long as this type of stupidity exists. Maybe the RNC does have a jobs program after all.
Its a career with a lot of job security as long as this type of stupidity exists. Maybe the RNC does have a jobs program after all.
One time I took Advil and became the Son of Sam.
because they can't attack anything with actual security. Their statements about how they could completely prevent these attacks by buying more bandwidth and specific equipment goes to show you they don't even understand what they are doing when they are attacking. They literally think they are more knowledgeable…
I watched your bullshit video just to see how dumb you were.
Despite the fact that YES men and women in the same damn job get paid differently, I'll point out that even if that video was somewhat accurate don't you see a PROBLEM with the fact that women are being ousted of the work force because of children or that…
It's amazing how reticent many people still are about things like tampons or sanitary pads. My husband put out a FB status joking about how proud he was that he'd managed to get the right pads without needing specific instructions (he also brought me home a bar of chocolate, because he's a quick learner), and one of…
A sealed box of sealed tampons inside a bag is too gross for him to hold. Wow.Good luck having a kid someday, buddy.
There's still hope though. As soon as I saw that I looked for him on twitter preparing the most vicious shit I could think of. Then I found I didn't have to coz he's already catching so much shit from other people. I think he might be enjoying the attention too much tho
How dare you confront men with the irrefutable evidence that vaginas have rich full lives outside of their occasional, brief contributions!
This reminds me of a gimick-blog where a guy tried to live according to the old testament for a year (and of course got a book deal out of it). It says that anything a woman touches while she is on her period is unclean, and you're not allowed to touch unclean things, so when his wife was pissed at him she'd go around…
I once bought some tampons on a Walgreens run I made with some guy friends. When I asked one to hold my bag for me for a sec while I tied my shoe because the ground was muddy, he took it, saw the FRESH AND NEW AND UNOPENED BOX of tampons, then yelled and threw it to the ground because "that's fucking gross." The…
Because only women need them. And we all know that we could all stop being women if we wanted to—we're just too stubborn and insist on doing "women-things" like having periods and babies. . .how selfish of us!
Isn't it more disheartening to see that some of the responses are from women?
That is the best threat ever - "I WILL BLEED ON WHAT YOU LOVE!"
I wonder if she'd asked, "Anyone know a country where diapers are free or subsidized," if these over-blown responders would have jumped in with the same vitriol. Very likely, they would—-because the presumption is that if anyone even asks if anything is free or subsidized, that the person is a lazy bum trying to get…
Pads and tampons are so expensive. I had a situation a few months ago where it started as a gush of blood, and I had nothing in the house. Not wanting to risk bleeding all over my car, my husband took the liberty of running to CVS and getting a pack of pads. He was shocked that even the off-brand packages cost almost…
Maybe we should just bleed on everything they love. Let's see how they think about subsidized tampons then.
I watched this shitstorm on Twitter. (She's fearless when confronted with shit like this, btw.) Guys. SHE NEVER SAID 'I WANT FREE TAMPONS.' She only asked if people knew about any programs in other countries. Just asking that simple question provoked people to call her a cunt. Also, I highly recommend following…
Because apps and phones don't cost money so you don't need a job to have them? And running to improve fitness and health doesn't mean you value your life? You sir fail at logic. Here's your sign.