
Its a career with a lot of job security as long as this type of stupidity exists. Maybe the RNC does have a jobs program after all.

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.

One time I took Advil and became the Son of Sam.

At first I was like

Can't have that kinda slippery slope! No f*cking way!

Number One Son is going to be attending high school for the first time in January (homeschooled before that). The start time for class is 7:20AM. His bus picks him up at 6:20AM. I think there might be a lot of zombies at that school. Hell, Mr. PDB doesn't even get up until 8:30AM and he has an hour commute!

You also have to remember, that during the restructuring of the brain happening in one's teens, sleep patterns are shifted forward by as much as 4 hours. Not that this would create "vamping" on its own, but it could hypothetically skew a person's perception about the value of sleep in the moment, by making them feel

Exactly. When I was 13-14 I got into staying really late in activities that ranged from reading to using my big brother's CB and PCs to jerking off to Cinemax...

Even when you take everything away many will find ways to spend the night awake.

Yep. I did this as a teenager, first with books, and later with early Internet (first with a 3600baud modem, then eventually with a 56k).

because they can't attack anything with actual security. Their statements about how they could completely prevent these attacks by buying more bandwidth and specific equipment goes to show you they don't even understand what they are doing when they are attacking. They literally think they are more knowledgeable

i will never not miss buffy. i read the comics to this date bc i just want this to live forever. if that cartoon existed i would have watched every second of it.

My daughter and I are avid Netflix Buffy fans ..

Oh god. Xander with the Firefly and Avengers toys. Perfect.

Ghost Anya and Ghost Tara!


Wow - that is deeeep in Easter Eggs.

O-kay... 3) is the World With Nothing But Shrimps. One of two shrimp worlds. Now that's obscure.

I think it was Oz.

Come on! It seems like people would love an actual Buffy animated series. I know there's money stuff, yadda yadda... but I think it's about time I got more. And yeah comics... Those are okay... I guess... I just sorta miss watching the characters move around and animation does allow the people to come back without