
Tiffany is my new crush. Funny, sexy and cuteness all wrapped into one.

Not only do they deny us pain meds. They write off symptoms that could be signs of major health issues.

It sickens me to my stomach. They way these drug users are labeled as victims. The way they view white kids as simply troubled tenneages while brown and black kids who smoke weed are labeled as gang members and thugs. In the 60s a good chunk of baby boomers were allowed to "experiment" with drugs and were able to

whats the point of this story? Sounds like you're a groupie

So…i work in a pretty diverse work place. Does it bother black folks when people refer to things as "ghetto" or are cracking jokes that stem from black culture. For instance, non black folks will call a hispanic girl, whose name is Celeste, Celesteshia if she cops an attitude. Im hispanic by the way.

For us Mexicans who read visit this site, we do the same thing at the end of La Bamba…Ritchie!!!!

I dont get it…when somebody flips you off when your doing what you do and you are having a bad day. Its not always about race or women. its just people being people.

Dont even get me started on this. The way this whole heroin epidemic is being covered by the media and being addressed by our federal government is a joke. Now they realize drug abuse must be handled with rehabiliation and not incarceration. Now that it is affecting Suburbia, they call them victims. Where was this

The show is funny and has aged well. Martin's idotic behavior wasnt what enderared viewers to the show. It was the hilarity that ensued because of it. He was always trying to correct his wrongs and deep down inside knew he was flawed. My favorite episode was the one guest starring Tommy Davidson.

My opinion…doesn't make it gospel.

His cover of What's Going On. I say better than the original

Yo…its crazy. I bonded with a dude who I "met" in on online forum about our favorite band. He would always like my IG posts and we always exchanged online pleasantries for years. Never met the guy…then one day I log into facebook around the time an automated message he set up posted annoucing his suicide. It was

MC Eiht getting some love. Aint Nothing to It,Drugz and Killin, You Can't See Me. All heat in my book from that album

I highly doubt she brushes her teeth based on the looks of things

Uhh…Marvin Gayes "Here My Dear" the tallest glass of lemonade one could ask for

Its funny… When mens sexuality is taken into consideration, it is always a problem. I agree with Erykah. It isn't a matter of rape culture but nature. We look at youthfulness as a sign of being able to reproduce. As men, that is what are instincts are to do. Does it mean I will rape a teen girl? Hell no but will

The Quiznos Honey Mustard had everyone sprung for a hot minute

I have come to find that most doctors do not know jack sh!t. You have to come in prepared to list your aliments with some research in what could be the root cause. Mowt Drs are too bound up in insurance and compliance red tape to truly give a sh!t anymore. You or a family member have to be an advocate and PUSH for

Gin or Vodka.

La Bamba. Riiiiitttccchhiiieee!!!! With Sleepwalker's weeping steel guitar in the background. Chills as I type this