
Well if I/my mistress/etc didn’t have one, it would have ruined my/her/etc life, so that makes it different. /s

When I woke up to the Vegas news yesterday all I could do was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You’ve all likely heard about this, but I do want to share (even a small) heartwarming aspect to these terrible events. I have relatives in Las Vegas to whom (obviously) I reached out to ascertain that they are all right (thankfully, they’re fine) and one of them (who just retired from nursing, last week) mentioned

Tangential, it never ceases to amaze me that people who are as morally and physically repellent as Tim Murphy manage to have wives, mistresses, very complicated social lives. I didn’t read the Gazette aricle, but what would have driven a married woman into his clammy embrace? Ugh.

It never does. The pro-forced-birth agenda is about punishing women for having sex, not men. Men pressuring women to have abortions simply doesn’t appear on their radar, unless the dirty slut actually has the abortion, and then they violently hate her while still completely absolving the man.

“My abortion is the only moral abortion,” said every anti-abortion person who gets an abortion anyway ever.

Unsurprising. GOP motto: good for me, not for thee.

This comment has killed me. Thank god a serial killer of women had his pronouns respected.

I think its important to temper this discussion with what can reasonably expected of strangers and how they perceive you. There are plenty of people who are sympathetic towards transgendered persons but simply don’t know the right, most delicate language to use when referring to a person. There also doesn’t seem to be

“Gender” seems to be an Anglo-Saxon, and even more precisely American, thing/phenomenon. Other languages just use one word which would translate to the English understanding of “sex” and don’t have the word “gender”.

What I don’t understand is how trans-friendly language can be so unprogressive. The problem seems to be the gender roles that some people feel compelled to conform to. Instead of insisting that that your gender is different from your sex, why can’t one say that they’re simply a man who prefers doing certain things

I’m definitely familiar with the “man born in a woman’s body” because that issue has come up in athletics. There was an instance where a female runner had the testosterone levels of an East German weight lifter or something. Even in that instance, though, everyone referred to her as female, because she was female,

I am pretty sure you are a few theories old on this one. I’ve watched debates with prominent gender studies people claiming that gender (not gender roles) and is a construct, maybe it is a fringe thing, but those people seem to get a lot of coverage. It is definitely complex and I am all for respecting people, but I’m

Yes, it does. You can talk semantics all you want, but if your sex is male, you’re a male. You can ask people to refer to you as female, and lots of people will probably accomodate you. That doesn’t mean that what they call you actually changes anything. You’re a male. If people call you male, they’re not wrong.

I posted this in response to something else, but it’s valid here. Jimmy is totally right. It’s insane how much sway the NRA’s relatively small, far-far-right voice has, but also emblematic of the way “governance” is done today. Congress does not give a single fuck what the majority of American people want. On any

All day long yesterday, I was on the phone talking to people for work, and most of us didn’t (or couldn’t) even acknowledge what had happened. We just put our heads down and went ahead like every other day.

“your thoughts and your prayers are insufficient.”

Fucking right.

It’s an Island (of Gun Control) surrounded by a really big Ocean (of gun nuts)