
So they don't have NFC and they cost more and have pieces you can lose? Sounds a lot worse than amiibo all around

The drum gun was definitely overpowered. The Blue version did 243 damage per second and the gold P90 only does 210 damage per second. Also the drum gun shot slower and had a bigger clip, the clip on the P90 would be drained so fast compared to the drum gun it wasn’t even funny. The P90 would go through 40 bullets

Bruh the drum gun was the most overpowered gun in the game for sure, it did more than 250 damage per second and it had a huge clip. Yeah you wouldn’t want to use it at long ranges but even at medium range it was insane. It destroyed structures like the minigun does. The only other gun that can even come close to it in

Yeah but theyre for opposite sides, like the bundle comes with a left pink joycon and a right green joycon but if you buy the joycons separate it comes with a left green joycon and a right pink Joy con

i have tried to comment this 4 times now and my comment will not show up. PLEASE help me if you see this. the link to the solution doesnt explain anything whatsoever. it says you have to register a new product type and to make sure you choose the the correct security profile, how EXACTLY do i do BOTH of these? what do

please tell me what you did, the solution says had to register new product type, how do you do this? it says make sure you chose the correct security profile, what does that mean? when i try to make a new one it asks me for the Security Profile Name  and Description , what do i put here?? you said make sure the

how do you make the “correct” security profile? like i dont understand, it asks for security profile name and security profile description, what am i supposed to put here? then after that what else do i do

so i wouldnt type in that long line of numbers and letters, i just type “my_device”?

yeah i didnt click the java app at all i made sure. i am currently flashing a brand new raspbian PIXEL image cause i feel like i probably changed some setting somewhere when i made my webserver last month, then im gunna try again fresh and after i get alexa working ill add the webserver

i fixed my credentials and the webbrowser popped up and it actually brought my to the amazon sign in page and i signed in then i hit okay but it doesnt say my tokens are ready its just says were sorry an error occured, but this time it doesnt tell me any details about the error

no they just approved wake word for raspberry pi like yesterday, thats why he posted this. it used to have to be activated by a button

could this run my small webserver (max like 2 people on it at once) and alexa at the same time? what would i do for port forwading? i have the server on port 80 but alexa is on port 3000, can i have port forwarding enabled for the pi twice for 2 different ports?

can someone please help me? mine is failing when i open the second terminal, it opens the web browser but it says the connection is unsecure and untrusted and when i click continue anyways it pulls up an amazon page thats says error occurred and i cant sign in, do i have to do anything for port forwarding with my pi?