It’s fun but it won’t win you any games xD Or get you out of a hectic fire fight, if you need help getting in a fight = Invisy if you prefer High mobility = Stim
It’s fun but it won’t win you any games xD Or get you out of a hectic fire fight, if you need help getting in a fight = Invisy if you prefer High mobility = Stim
If this is the best PC’s have got to offer ima stick with Consoles & Meh Vita :3 Seeing how most of these games are on other platforms - Might as well be comfy right? xD
I’m kinda the Hi-Rez fan, it does disappoint me seeing them go “Ohhhh! Here’s a new guy....He’s got a chain! Right, that’s cool!” Inspired or not i know their clinging onto Overwatch fans trying to keep Paladins afloat which is a shame because it really Is or Was meant to be a great game,