rhythm method


He went to BOFA

I am sure the colleges are very disappointed. Student comes before athlete in "student athlete" showing how important student is IMHO.

+1. You idiot .

We are all Cardale Jones

Man! Buffalo Wild Wings is used to hearing really loud shouting and grunting at its establishment, but most people do that in the lavatory.

Nine miles? That's nothing!

Not a single quote from Neville Chamberlain? He tried to avoid a playoff at all costs! SMDH.

If you have any control of the meeting (anyone gives a damn about you) propose a "stand up" meeting. These are the best meetings because it usually involves meeting in a small space with no chairs and then it's off to twitter to BOFA people or whatever.

Dwight Howard is only 29

Sierra Nevada is also a gateway drug to a world of pure imagination


While eating lunch I got mustard all over my corduroy pants. Can I read this blog?

What's the point of winning a football game if you are gonna die anyway right? Existence is meaningless.

Come on, he's clearly dealing with existential dread.

Come on, he's clearly dealing with existential dread.

You know who else was an #aestehe?

Disappointing. Their IPA is a pretty solid offering, especially when you consider the region.

In the district I work, they all pay the same regardless of level. I wish you success in life, my friend!

Explain yourself, MM - "you think it's OK to not have to actually have the right to vote."