rhythm method

In most cases, refs get paid the same no matter the level. So reffing JV/Frosh games are the way to go. Small crowds, no power points/league title to worry about. Plus he gets that sweet $35 which can go towards an upgrade on a sweet visibility jacket for his day job.

You are defending a moral repugnant dipshit. People reap what they sow. Hard for me to feel bad for a billionaire who has a long history of being a fucking scumbag.

Isn't Paul McCartney that old lesbian that was in that Apple commercial a few years ago?

I don't feel like playing basketball anymore either. Mostly because I am really shitty at it.

Totally disappointed that not a single person called someone else Hitler in this thread.

Harass is like WOAH

"I wouldn't have taken that shot."

He must have paid Stafford to fumble the ball too


I don't get your response. This is a weekly feature. DID NO ONE TELL YOU THAT THIS POST WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TODAY?!?!?

The lost of money is a result of "cooking the books." For example, they write off the loses for a scholarship, or the school "charges" it's self for field use. If the schools are losing money on sports, they would cut said sport.

He isn't the first football player to shit himself this weekend....

yeah, if this stat was good enough for Henry Chadwick (a british born cricket player, no less) it's good enough for me.

I really like Mirror Pond. However, Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond are so easy to find that I figured why even bother listing them?

Yes. I just had it on tap in Arizona a week ago.

Rob Riggle is bad. Very, very, bad.

Will Gordon -

Here are a few other things that need to die:

I also root for the Villains and "00" is my favorite player as well