rhythm method

You think that's crazy..... Has anyone EVER SEEN Metta World Peace and Ron Artest in the same room ?1?/!?!?!?!

Thanksgiving dinner and football with a few Celebrations is the best November tradition.

"Do you eat like this every night?"

Kid don't play

Speaking of letting it go, Peach needs to accept that Mario left her for Sonic. Also, Mario is carrying Sonic's baby now 1?1!?!!!?!?!?!?

Gus Malzahn is Thirsty as Hell*

Columnists Screws the Pooch

Seems salary has little to do with value. So what do they care about? The nookie.

... for Fears released "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" in 1986 too, you are correct.

for what?

No it was around in 1986 you just did it through the telephone.

How about this one:

Hunter says he is straight but I can't help but notice his wandering ii s.

Speaking of InBev destroying beers, has anyone else notice how the previously good Redhook Brewing beers are shells of their former selves since being taken over by the Craft Brew Alliance?

As long as it's gluten free it's healthy! Here, try some of this dog shit!

Crazy Person: "Try this gluten-free cookie! It's really good, you can't even tell!"

You are welcome, really liking your articles.

For my money, Cascade Brewing in Portland, OR is the best brewery in the country if we are talking complexity and just general deliciousness.

You need to get some, Will.

I hope they find Dr. Phil soon!

Cool hot taek!