rhythm method

If I see feces on the streets of New York should I eat it or touch it?

Wow... imagine how disappointed these guys would be if they played with Peyton Manning!

Wow....I wonder what this guy's other choices were!1!!!

*reads link*

Lets see what the guy famous for wearing a tube sock around his dick thinks about being responsible....

Yeah man, what is with these people that hurt themselves and want to remain somewhat mobile. SMDH!

I am a Seahawk fan, but I am fairly sure I would hate Russell Wilson if I were not. Every time I hear announcers gargle the semen of any player for an entire play series (ala JJ Watt last night) it makes me hate that player a little.

Other than maybe Manning or Brady, Wilson has to be the most announcer beloved player

He threw a pick six the only game he started for the Raiders...

That's why he's the best

Eddie Vedder: Now, in dedication to all the GMs who threw money at Matt Flynn, we're gonna play "Fuckin' Up."

Nah. Helpless is #1.... "There is a town, in North Ontario......"

Great story for one of the good guys in the NFL IMO

"and you thought winning my lottery was bad"

Fan #1: So sick of feeling this shit!

Yeah but he didn't really drink all of the beers #Bumgarnergate

I teach high school. This kid comes in looking visibly sick - either hung over or whatever. He just slinks over to his desk and sits down, bell rings, and I pass out the exams (its finals week). About 25 minutes into the final, he sprints to my desk and proceeds to throw up all over my keyboard, monitor, and assorted

thanks, coach.

Say, Rueben, what did you think of my joke?

They didn't brief Rueben Randle because there is no worry he will catch anything!1!11!1!!

He's not a player he just crushes* a lot