Look at your own links. A direct relationship means that one causes the other. The Who study never says that drinking causes domestic violence. That is what directly related means.
Look at your own links. A direct relationship means that one causes the other. The Who study never says that drinking causes domestic violence. That is what directly related means.
ok, butt.
coorelation is not causation
Alcohol is not directly related to domestic violence.... false cause fallacy on line one.
how does it quench your thirst better?
Not surprised to see another watered-down, non-substantive Anheuser-Busch release.
*Stands on table, lifts highball glass*
Celebration Ale is great... a fresh IPA right around the time when there are not many available.
Apparently the governor doesn't know about how beating your children builds character. How my parents did it and it and it worked. It lead me to become the person I am today, a guy who spends too much time on a website making unfunny dick jokes.
a little Black Handed, don't you think?
Next Thrusday, CBS will feature Macklemore's new song called "Two Loves" where he raps about domestic violence and child abuse while also assuring us he is now into either of those things.
I think they can do WAAAYYY better than this for True Detective Season 2.
must depend on the management of the place. The BW3s I've been to act like its damn near impossible to change any tv.
I'm guessing if you live in a city large enough to have a BW3 then you probably also have better places to 1) watch sports 2) eat.
I beg to differ: the food abortion that is known as Buffalo Wild Wings seems to have a commerical on between every NFL TV timeout.
Looks like that receiver was on a mission.
Meanwhile, the Italian counterfeiters in the United States continue running a similar scam where "The Olive Garden" serves people repackaged human excrement and calls it food.
Careful... giving just a little tip is how rhythm method jr. was born.