rhythm method

New York Doesn't Look Like THIS Anymore......

More like NeddledIn, amirite?

Sevilla's got the idea from ESPN, whose contract with Jason Whitlock stipulates they give him his weight in Crisco for each article he publishes.

Policy of 49ers Management:

Crispin, Ace, and Fox Barrel are all good, widely available ciders that are around the same price as that robot urine and are quite delicious.

yeah man, people will be eating the hot dog sandwiches because winning makes you hungry for hot dogs.

Breaking: The Hawks Front Office is Eating Themselves, Made Out of Hot Dog Sandwiches

Ok, then what is he talking about at the end about Lewis suing?

Lewis? Do you mean Rice? Also why can't Rice be suspended for two games then suspended again?

O Captain! My Captain! The season is not won,

This is just a desperate ploy by the university and NCAA to get these players a history credit.

Meanwhile, Ray McDonald and Greg Hardy continue to play in the NFL. Should it really take video for the league to act in these cases?

So if we had to boycott entire organizations because of one terrible policy/decision what are we left with? Some people have called to boycott Gawker Media because of various controversies surrounding pay, slut-shaming, etc.

Wouldn't it follow that we could actively advocate for change in NFL policy? Wouldn't that

So like the entirety of the Cowboys offseason to Yakety Sax?

That would great

So the 2nd half to Yakety Sax?

Fred Jackson is slowly turning into Clint Eastwood's character in Gran Turino.

Whatever you say, Hitler.

Good thing this guy is having kids.