Rhys Boyd-Farrell

I thought Brienne's reference to still serving Caetlyn Stark was a possible nod to Lady Stoneheart eventually appearing. I also thought Jon Snow's appearance immediately after Aemon referenced a Targaryen alone in the world was notable.

The foremost woman amongst the women shown after Sansa arrives is the woman who hunted the girl with Ramsey and Ramsey said was jealous.

I've heard of a species of man called the "bro," which indulge in stereotypical man bonding rituals. I am not particularly familiar with this species and, as such, cannot comment on the veracity of the representations.

Ray and Adam are not the kind of guys who become close friends with other guys. They are both the loner intellectual/artistic types that will always be a bit too closed off to take a friendship past a certain point. However, they will always be friends as most guys can talk shit about each other and recognize each

The interracial lesbian couple are Adam's friends from that dance party back in Season 1 where Shoshanna smoked crack and Hanna learned that Adam actually has friends.