It’s really mind blowing. They actually convinced people that the tweet was sincere and not a joke. It’s a great joke too! One that points out the hypocrisy and ambivalence of Hollywood.
It’s really mind blowing. They actually convinced people that the tweet was sincere and not a joke. It’s a great joke too! One that points out the hypocrisy and ambivalence of Hollywood.
Don’t disparage the good name of human garbage like that!
Cernovich is human garbage.
Except for rain on your wedding day
Serious question: How soon before somebody moves for a bad court thingy?
At this point in time, K-Mart appreciates any jokes that involve them having customers.
...they’re alright with it
ABC News points out that “sources” suggest it’s “unlikely” that Dowd could’ve posted that tweet without Trump’s “knowledge or involvement,”
The world was a very different place before Star Wars. Primarily, the world was black and white back then. No color. ILM invented color for Star Wars and once you saw it, you saw color everywhere. In fact, some children even today are born without the ability to see color if their parents haven’t seen a Star Wars…
One Wesley spoiler: Cadet Crusher shows up midway through the movie, everyone thinks he’s the worst
Few Few! Few! Those are laser sounds, right?
I like the way “few fewer” sounded. Sue me.
And one Weasley spoiler: Space-measles turns you into a goofy-looking ginger.
It’s like Rian on your wedding day.
Pray he doesn’t alter it further.
One measly spoiler: