It reminds me of when conservatives started accusing Obama of being an “anti-colonialist”. I mean, I thought being against giant exploitative empires was a good thing.
It reminds me of when conservatives started accusing Obama of being an “anti-colonialist”. I mean, I thought being against giant exploitative empires was a good thing.
Except according to The Late, Great Planet Earth, Jesus came back in 1987.
Yes, I have read it. I was raised Southern Baptist (shudder).
Kinjamprove doesn’t work on most mobile browsers though (they don’t support WebExtensions) so this helps people on their phones and tablets at minimum.
Well, Diqus had a problem with you. Called you a “fatty” whenever your back was turned...
The Popularity Algorithm, or PopAg as the Kinjateers call it, is more complex than just number of stars and responses, it also take into account the average number of stars per comment for the user, the average time to heat a Hot Pocket in the 3rd floor small break room microwave, a hash consisting of the last time…
*smoke fills the room*
But we’d finally contained the canceraids epidemic!
It’s like a previous president!
Does this mean I don’t have to use the buggy “Kinjamprove” extension anymore?
Brexiteers and Trumpinistas are the deadenders who see life as a 0 sum game wherein if brown people’s lot in life gets better than theirs must get worse.
But when will we have the option to sort comments by the number of Simpsons references?
Not for nothing, but these kook fringe beliefs have a way of showing up in the highest levels of power these days. It’s probably better for people to understand where they’re coming from before it shows up on Fox & Friends or gets amplified by one of Trump’s friends like Alex Jones.
There are two main factions that use “globalism” as a slur: anti-Semites, for whom the word “globalism” is a stand-in for “Judaism,” and batshit Christians for whom “globalism” more or less exactly equates to the “Late, Great Planet Earth/Left Behind” Book of Revelations cinematic universe.
Because something greedy Jews (but not the good Israeli kind).
This is actually their plan to get us universal healthcare. Where do aliens come from? Space. What is the universe made of? Space. Boom. Bet you feel silly for objecting now, huh?
Especially considering the OP clearly doesn’t grasp the baseline definition of UFO: “unidentified flying object.” Nowhere in there does it specify it can’t be terrestrial or military aircraft; it literally just means “I don’t know what the hell we just saw.” Seems like something defense might want to look into, I…
“We need you to come out of retirement for one last job.”
$22 Million dollars doesn’t even rate as a rounding error in the defense budget. I guarantee you over the same span they spent even more money on stuff they don’t even know what they even spent it on. And not because of secrecy or anything just money falling through the cracks.
Wait, the government has Alien Jesus?? THOSE BASTARDS!