Rhyming Becktionary

“...delivering what amounts to mediocre Jane Eyre fan fiction starring Bruce Wayne and Taylor Swift.”

Comment/username synergy

The primary source for this piece is an article on Wikipedia. If you get worked up about occasional inaccuracies, you should probably find another feature to read. You know, for your blood pressure.

To most of the evangelicals I know, Satan is kind of impotent. He’s the leader of a bunch of fallen angels who run around tempting and—very rarely—possessing people. But anything you do at the suggestion of those demons is your fault, and bad things that happen through no clear fault of humanity—natural disasters,

Aww man, I went back to that article and thought a bunch of the commenters were back. Nope, just one of the last relics of the Before Times.

Even if the Kinjapocalypse has made it harder to find reviews and more in-depth features from the front page and has basically replaced it with a giant Newswire feed, I’m glad to see more cool stuff like this that makes the best of it.
