
If she just figuratively married him, she would end up saving a lot on legal fees in the breakup. 

Bleep Bloop Bleep Let’s Laugh With Celebrities With Mr. Good Time Smiley Pants

Anyone else having flashbacks to your friends' high school relationships with these two? 

I loved whenever they’d flashback to Ryan’s days “on the street” the camera work would get all gritty and sun-bleached, lol. My sister and I used to call it Chinovision

In fact, high school was 60 percent failing math tests, 30 percent secret crushes, and 10 percent waiting for the bus

I love this show SO MUCH. The first season was *chef’s kiss* perfection. Non-stop plots and drama and Ben McKenzie. 

This piece made me snort-laugh very loudly at my desk and now everyone is looking at me like I am (even more) bonkers.

Just reading “The O.C.” gets that damn theme song blaring in my head again. 

I’m actually mid-way through season 4 in my rewatch of the OC (I’ve never gotten this far before!). I’d totally forgotten that Chris Pratt was in a bunch of episodes! The characters he tends to play are so goddamn lovable, it just goes to show what a great actor Chris is ;)

I was a jaded recent college grad when The OC premiered. Personally, my high school experience was ruined by Moly Ringwald movies. Why didn’t a hot senior boy with a red Porsche and a heart of gold fall in love with me on my sixteenth birthday? Why wasn’t detention a bonding experience? Why didn’t I get to roll

No. In my case, high school, many of the teachers, and the little shits who were in high school with me, ruined high school for me.

My adolescence in no way resembled the lifestyle depicted in the OC, yet it remains one of my favorite shows. It’s the only teen drama I’ve ever watched or probably ever will watch (unless you count Cloak & Dagger?).

The Bronze in Buffy and the Bait Shop in OC had me convinced that all American teenagers went clubbing on school nights. 

High school expectations were already ruined by Beverly Hills 90210 a solid decade before this. 

whatever that episode where the plot was an entire excuse to recreate the upsidedown spiderman kiss was the best plot like that besides the episode of arrested development where the plot was an entire excuse to recreate a japanese monster movie battle

Putinism in America is dangerous. It’s been disastrous for marginalized people in Russia, and is beginning to destroy what’s left of America. To reject the New Russian ideology is not xenophobic, it’s actually pretty goddamned patriotic. The authoritarian regime that controls Russia (and the the territories they’ve

What she did with those emails, to put a server in her living room or wherever.”

You know what, middle America? This is why the city ‘elites’ look down on you. Ignorant, uneducated, and obviously NO CLUE about history.

And I’m definitely getting the vibe we’re heading for a violent collision. Ramrod is whipping these mouthbreathers into a frenzy, and they are ignoring facts. 

They were indoctrinated to hate the USSR.  Russia as it currently stands actually represents their ideal; predominately white, with the women and the gays and the minorities severely and brutally oppressed.

They grew up and lived thru the Cold War. They should be indoctrinated to hate Russia, but their indoctrination to worship the Republican Party is stronger. That’s incredible.