
Need link to go fund me

sold my car due to eye issues live off my ebike and metro

give up on cars use my ebike around la + transit

driving is for drones. ebikes and metro are the new in thing

Need a master plan like President Eisenhowers Interstate system. each city/state doings itw own disconnected incompatible system is very stupid. and expensive. Besides a HRT plan to interconnect America will provide full employment for next 30 years. also cost much less than Bush $1Tr Iraq war.

we should have hst master plan rather than adhoc in all areas. It will be cheaper and better. Do Like president eisenhower built the US interstate highway system.

andrew google 40C3 my 40lb 40 mph w 40 mi range ebike. Its not legal in New york but I will race it against any mode of ney york transportation whether subway or ferrari and beat both. and get to work still wearing my work clothes not needing shower. google 40C3

my 40 lb 40 mph w 40 mi range ebike allowed me to get rid of my car. in addition it is light enough that if battery goes out I can still pedal like a regular bike.

my personal ebike is better