R Hugh Sirius

You're next.

And yet with a face like his, he still got the ladies: he must have been Johnny Wadd Colmes.

The problem is that some folks want to "embrace" Trump with a noose about his neck.

That is one butt-fugly Gefilte fish. Gene, do the world a favor and wear a brown paper bag.

Yes, but then I flush and all is forgotten. Until the next Adam Sandler. And so it goes. BTW there is a useful difference between "to" and "too."

Like clockwork, I do an "Adam Sandler" each morning, but then I flush and all is forgotten.

Who needs a movie to find Adam Sandler offensive? He's the irritating rash that never quite goes away.

Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz the Conscience of America.
Help, help…

Doesn't figure that she can even read the list.

I didn't know that straight white men were even writing anymore now that society has gone gay. And I don't mean happy.

Father Elfin-eared Freak.

Festivus Poledancer is just another name for Gay Retardo.