Rhubarb the Platypus

I wonder if halibut will work for this too.

Can they please just take it to SciFi? Or Syfy or whatever the hell?

Where did all these senators come from? Did they just magically ascend as soon as the bomb went off?

Okay, so.. You spatchcock it and roast it with some olive oil and salt and pepper. What temperature do you set the oven to?

I don't think any Roman would call a pasta dish an "entree." It's primi.

I really wanted to love this album, but I just can't stand the sound of Nico's voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard in my mind. She sounds like Moira in Schitt's Creek.

Colbert finally found his groove right around the same time that Fallon mussed Donald's hair, which was conveniently the same time that I lost all respect for Fallon and started watching Colbert instead.

I believe the proper medical term is "body odor."

Tom is legitimately one of the best chefs in America, and has been since his Gramercy days. John is definitely a dick, but re Colicchio you have no idea what you're talking about.

I met Michael Voltaggio once. He smells.

Alliser Thorne FTW.

What are your favorite burritos?

The judges certainly looked like they were having a SUPER DUPER time out there.

The judges certainly looked like they were having a SUPER DUPER time out there.

You're supposed to use the unfertilized ones.

You're supposed to use the unfertilized ones.

Die already!!!!

Die already!!!!

Does anybody else remember watching some PSA movie in elementary school that involved kids getting smooshed by trains, I guess to dissuade us from hanging out on the tracks? I do, and it was fucking tramautic to watch.