Half man, half rhubarb

Both, actually. The using “af” as describing how intense something is makes me slightly mad. I know what’s supposed to mean, but for me AF means AutoFocus.

Right? Though I cannot see it here, fake AutoFocus is the worst. All kinds of this you can see on the internets: “sexy af”, “cool af”, you name it. That much I can take. (Although I have no idea how autofocus can be sexy) But fake AF? That’s too much for me.

You mean they could add AutoFocus in the post-production? Don’t think so.

They were going straight, that’s why. For some folks making turns is still a challenge.

What about Bloods/Crips, then?

More like inspiration. Or just going the easy way - not sure if such engine would fit on the back.

I’m an Apache helicopter and I approve this message!

Comment of the bloody month.

Pretty much similar situation as with 2000s Multipla...at least on this side of the ocean.

But it appeared in the first Need for Speed: Most Wanted! It has to be great, right?

The Chinese nouveau-riches that want to brag that their car can go off-road (but in 80% cases it won’t go off the asphalt). Kinda similar status to Range Rover, I guess.

The body seems decent, but the lack of engine pictures confuses me. Although the seller is brave enough to show the lower parts, which doesn’t happen so often, I guess.

Doing things that get the people thinking “how and why” all the way, all day.

Beluga is a plane too, Caracal is a helicopter, Leopard...we’ve seen it before, and Cheetah is in Grand Theft Auto series (and better leave it there). My personal type is Platypus, actually.

I wonder if someone would be crazy enough to make a Toyota Coalrolla.

There are better ways to knock the cat among the pigeons, you know.

Each time I hear this name, I see this: