This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper.
This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper.
“Welcome to the VaporCar World Championship, where the cars are made up and the numbers don't matter."
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.
It seems ARTOC wants to kick VW in the Lower Saxony.
Recently, on the advice of someone online who claimed to be a doctor (I later found out it was a nine-year-old and a…
No, its to keep the car with as few miles as possible because people who are going to pay $62k for a Mustang want to be the first major driver. Most of these cars don’t get driven by anyone at the dealership except to move it (some dealerships will push them around the lot, which seems dumb to me, to prevent it being…
From a designer’s standpoint, it’s fairly unresolved. There are a lot of elements that don’t interact well with each other and subsequently seem like afterthoughts. It’s nearly there, just needs more refinement.
If this takes off (and for the love of all that is good, I hope it doesn’t), here are some things I plan to invent:
The 2019 Subaru Ascent is a car made for the great excesses of America, including our insatiable need for large road…
team now in negotioations with Pastor Maldonado to replace Meeke
I couldn’t watch the videos to listen so if someone could tell me if it sounds more like one of these options that would help immensely.
Indirect light is preferred for clay sculpting, as it casts much softer shadows. The potter sits facing a wall, and the light is reflected back on the workpiece. Not coincidentally, this is why the light is so bright, also making it suitable for roadway illumination.
This is unproven! How dare you Raul! I know thi9s is RAUL!!! LEAXVE MY FAMILY ALOOOOONE!!! THIS IS SLANDER!!! FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS!
Ahhh yes. I remember the Loophole fondly. In fact, my uncle Jorge was a politician, and something of an... enthusiast if you will. He chaired a commission that governed the Potter’s Wheel Production Union (PWPU, or “pew pew” in your silly english language vernacular).
(commits seppuku)
It’s a step up from the Beetle? And, I mostly use it in town, and use a safer car for freeway trips. Also, while his safety is absolutely important to me, so is the enjoyment he gets from being in the car. I mean, he rides his scooter down our street, walks on sidewalks near roads, and does any number of other things…
ah yes, the famous and many GM front-wheel-drive enthusiasts