Okay, but all that said, what else is in your navel?
Okay, but all that said, what else is in your navel?
Causes of undescended testicle
Causes of undescended testicle
With testicles, descended or no, is that not an automatic XY? I am legitimately asking, though I suspect the answer must be yes.
Super simple solution: since we can’t define (apparently) what is “female”, no more separation of sexes in sport. You could argue that the female medal count would be drastically lowered but, since “female” apparently has no meaning, neither would the missing medals.
I hope it helps kill this weird idea that Ivanka is smart and classy and would be a good politician. I don’t believe any of those things are necessarily true.
Jezebel is pointing to a painful reality here; there need to be more carefully delineated categories of sexual assault. 1) Assault by unnatractive scumbags or bro types, penalty: death. 2) Assault by artistic people, especially progressives, penalty: angstful think piece.
This is ridiculous. How are people accusing her of taking a dive when she won?
Should be cross-posted to Deadspin Why Your Team Sucks.
Wow, are you not the person to be writing this.
I can’t believe it took so long for one of these posts. Have been waiting, leave satisfied.
Well, not to contradict you, but I am reliably informed that down in the Treme, they’re all goin’ crazy.
Some say the water makes the dough different. Same with the bagels.
But what policy could there be? Eject someone from the convention—a delegate, no less—because of an accusation? The shitty thing is, proving that formally is a time-consuming process, convention would be over by then, I would think. The best you can do is just bar him (for life) from all future conventions, if found…
I must confess it is fairly awesome when someone falls so heavily for something like this, especially when, as in your case, they are quite smart. Kudos for taking it well!
Technically (dons nerd fencing glasses), Epee is the most refined of the three. That is because Epee is meant to be a gentleman’s dueling weapon, i.e., to settle a matter of honor, where “first blood” determines the victor. It was considered very bad form to kill someone with your dueling rapier back in the day—that…
I do! I do say!
It is not cheaper if you have insurance. Also, spin classes are everywhere, for literally pennies on the dollar of what this bougie bullshit costs.
A-freakin’-men, lady.