
Goodness! Heavens to motherfucking Betsy! The caddishness! I shall be drummed out of the tea circle!

I don’t believe I was the first one to come out swinging. But you are correct, black men are never, ever dicks. Why? Because it is actually worse than Jim Crow right now up in this bitch, white man is keeping all the dickishness to himself. Is that your point? Because I think Kanye would like a word, if so.

Who said I was tough? Your analogy is witless and banal. No offense. What I’m saying is, if you approach people with the idea that you want to scream in their face that they have all the luck, merely because of their skin color, I don’t think that the welfare of black people is uppermost in your mind.

You know what? I saw some more text form you, but decided it, was—very likely—you being a whiny bitch baby, I wasn’t going to read it, especially since logic does not seem to be your strong suit. Buh bye.

Um, choke on my cock? That’s the level we’re at here, right?

What I was aiming to illustrate was that very few people mind having the idea that whiteness can, in some circumstances, be a benefit. But it is rarely put that way.

That was thoughtfully put. I still can’t quite bring myself to agree however—there is no question that being white can have its advantages, and I think most reasonable people see that. But to morph that into some kind of monolithic white supremacist narrative undercuts the smart part of the original notion.

Nope. Read it again “Out of the gate.”

It is different. Your asserting that it is not, given that you are, yourself, a fucking idiot, is unpersuasive.

Fair enough. And if she is?

Wow. Much more to untangle here than frankly I’m up to: I think your analyst would be a better candidate, although, presuming such a person existed, they really ought to be fired, no?

Perhaps I wasn’t making myself clear, as I largely agree with what you wrote. Yes, someone who thinks Tamir deserved to die is a psychopath. But that isn’t what the OP was talking about—he was suggesting that even the mildest foray into the subject of privilege being a thing that existed would invite censure. I do not

Um, you are not capable of hurting my feelings. In even the remotest of ways. You either knew that, so you’re trolling, or you somehow imagine you have that power, so you’re delusional and stupid? It isn’t about respecting my position, it’s about whether you’re really going to win someone over by being a dick right

What you said didn't make a lick of sense. Do you want me to break it down for you? Gently?

You are bad at odds.

Right, rather than trying to win someone over, you wish to be a whiny, shouty fuckhole, then, when you get a bad reaction to your whiny, shouty fuckholeness, wonder why other people cannot see you for the shining beacon of light that you are. Astounding, no?

Um, what? Was the rape victim here not white? If so, how did that not inoculate her against anything bad happening? Also, you are super, super off-topic. My point is that the OP was suggesting a gentle discussion about privilege wasn't possible, which I took to mean "Why won't you be convinced of my rightness when I

You’re allowed to bring it up however you like, but I’d invite you to consider just what it is you’re hoping to accomplish in bringing it up; are you looking for converts or looking for someone to yell at?

You're only an asshole if you're an asshole about it.

The whites, they are so evil. Is it not so? Surely, it must be so.