
Unfortunately the nominated rules have to be ratified at next year's Worldcon before going into effect, so we've potentially got one more round of this.

"all of which probably flowed fine on the page"

Aw man, the same Fred Wolf who did pretty good stand-up in the 90s, and that biopic about his weird unemployed friend?

I don't understand why the Reults are getting their own Dancing With the Stars spin off. Nobody liked those two. It must have seemed like clever stunt casting to put twin XFL linebackers in the same season, but nobody was ever sure if they meant to vote for Ton Reult or Paz Reult, with the result that the count was

I'll go if it's two hours of them apologizing for Death Comes to Town.

"Ugh, I'm covered in ambergris!"

Saving up and time shifting a whole season is hardly unconventional in 2014. But whatevs, I probably am being whiny. It is just a TV show after all.

Thanks for the unmarked spoiler in the first paragraph. Been saving up this season of Doctor Who, don't even know who Missy is yet, but now I know her real identity.

Still gets a lifetime pass for being so damn delightful in Josie and the Pussycats.

Sounds quite a bit like the similarly awful first novel "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane", only there the PhD student-centered narrative plods through a lot of blah blah blah about the witch trials.

*Looks at stupid region 2 DVD set that has zero resale value in
the US and can’t be donated to the library because that’s a dick move, which he
got just because it was the only legit way to get the pilot movie at the time*

It's still publishing, but now it's maybe one story from a pro and then a bunch of stuff that's maybe one step up from your average DeviantART page.

Heh, when I saw the headline I was going to joke that the real story is probably more interesting than whatever rehashed alien invasion plotlines we're going to get. Turns out Chris Carter thinks so too.

Wish they'd go full Wilhelm Reich on him.

"That is interesting, because it is literally the first time I have ever read that he regretted shooting his wife in that "William Tell" accident. I'd always had the impression he rather liked how it burnished his reputation as an outlaw."

I'm surprised Vicious went to PBS. I would have guessed Logo or Bravo would have snapped that right up.

Holy…thanks John! I swear they didn't support it when I tried to sign up 6 months ago, but it just worked!

I'm actually perfectly happy to use my own account, but fucking Comcast won't let me.

I fucking hate these things, but they're useful to cite as the watermark where "oh it's anti-humor" stopped being a viable excuse for shit that's just not funny.

Daddy/Why wasn't a little figure of me offered as an option with my fries?