
At the 1:02 mark there is some writing on the screen with English "Bump of Chicken". That's curious to me. I watched Battle of the Planets as a kid and all the characters were "birds" as was their ship (well sort of, a phoenix wasn't a real bird) but I don't recall any chickens.

Well, not first but certainly most successfully before instagram kills it off.

Well instagram has always forced portrait mode but it crops it to a square so it's not as stupid as it could be.

I got it for my Galaxy Nexus and it processes and saves the video to my phone fine but doesn't upload anything but still photos to instagram. Perhaps this will work in time, though.

I have it and tried to use it on my Galaxy Nexus. However, I could take a video and process it and everything but it just uploads a still from the video and not the actual video.

Well that's irritating. I guess I'll be sure Ghostrank is off.

I don't know about "huge" but they're asking questions that are simply none of their business. I don't see why I should give them any information beyond what is needed to complete the transaction.

I've never heard of this before. Now I'm not from the US but we have postal codes and I have never been asked for my postal code when using a credit card.

"Prior says he's observed similar patterns on other beetles, as well."

Weekly. I have young kids and they love the library. We read for about 2 hours every day. If we didn't go regularly I'd have to read the same books all the time which, for an adult, gets tedious. I like getting new books to read to my kids.

I trust that just like in the first one, the death of Bela Lugosi, won't preclude him from starring in the remake.

It is an interesting "fight" but just because you're the creator you don't get to decide. Usage trumps all and ultimately cannot be "wrong" as the misguided creator claims. This reminds me of when McDonalds got all bent out of shape because people were using mcjob pejoratively. They want to control use. Just as Mr.

Perhaps so but we may be the only things in the universe that can comprehend that fact.

This article appears to have broken it. I guess I'll have to bide my time for now.

It also sets things up to start charging for it in the future if they wish since people will voluntarily be telling them that there are different markets available to them.

I can only presume that the whistle was just an experiment with a simple object and not as a replacement for purchasing a whistle at the dollar store. 3D printing won't be replacing the "cheap junk made in Asia" any time soon. Economies of scale make 3D printing suitable for other purposes but not to make low cost

Well there certainly might be but there certainly might not be too. We have proof of just one, our own planet. It's tough to extrapolate from this one example. We don't even know how life started here on earth so it's uncertain whether it's likely or not elsewhere. It is curious that while life is ubiquitous here on

I used pretty much every one of those with the exception of Vista. Sad but true.

The automatic truncation of headlines on the main page made this one rather amusing in a macabre way: "Uh, Angelina Jolie Skipped Her Aunt's Funeral For Brad Pitt's..."

A straw wouldn't help that much unless you're putting the straw in your throat, in which case just use a nasogastric tube so it never touches any part of your mouth. However, if you don't want to taste this expensive beverage with no nutritional value then why bother with it at all.