
IE8 is still a hugely popular browser because people just refuse to get with the times and use something modern.

There are lots of legacy systems in Canada. Most people can tell you their weight and height in imperial but not so much in metric. There are many industries (e.g. construction) that still use imperial because of the systems in place that won't change without lots of effort/legislation. The fact that Canada's economy

It looks like he's skipping rope or something.

Rube Goldberg would be proud.

So the internet voted for these, eh? Sure.

These pictures are interesting but the sky never looks or looked like that even in the old days. These are enhanced pictures of the sky superimposed on cityscapes.

Thank goodness there's separation of church and state but why the holy reverence for this sacred text you call the second amendment. Why is it sacrosanct when it apparently only causes division and hardship for your people?

Everyone in the world protects their gold with armed guards but why is it only in America that you need to contemplate armed guards to protect schools? That's the real question that is being asked and should be asked here.

Since his "good friend" is dead I guess he just wants his money now. There doesn't seem to be any indication that he was friends with Steve's family.

DH19 No one is disputing that. But the fact that they have the power to do what they want and not care about people because they don't have to is the very definition of being a jerk.

As if some magical pixie from the North Pole needs "technology" from a company like GE? If he needed technology he'd make it himself or snap his fingers and get it rather than wait for a giant multinational lightbulb manufacturer.

They eye things is the most important for me. As I've aged I just can't handle another back lit screen. I wish they had e-ink for monitors so I wouldn't be half blind by the end of the day.

They do have them but they're even more expensive than real lego and they're inferior quality.

I liked it and I liked the story it was based on but I can see how it wouldn't be of much interest to most people, as it turns out it wasn't.

On an slightly unrelated note regarding the picture accompanying this article: I think all promotional material and behind the scenes should have everyone in character so there should be post-production on these snaps to make everyone appear as they do in the film. e.g. Andy Serkis is always shown as gollum etc.

$10.17 seems a bit pricey. Is it on Steam?

Yeah I noticed that too.

I wonder if this kind of article came out when talkies or colour films first arrived? That is, perhaps this new technology (not new but newly used in movies) is just foreign to us and when we get used to it, its high "quality" or whatever, will seem "right" just like the old system does now.

We got ours a couple months ago. It's pinned up behind this years...just let me check... yup, it's got all the months and everything on it. 2013 calendar from Supreme Basics FTW.

Has anyone seriously believed that for months now? Certainly no one who would be on here reading this. There have been many videos, infographics, historians on the news etc that debunked this starting more than a year ago.