
It would be even better if those memories could be removed from the actual soldiers and then put into their commanders who don't do any of it but just make their underlings do it. So the consequences could fall onto those ultimately responsible.

Paper text books are still way more cost effective for almost all school districts. They can be used from year to year and if you drop them or get them wet you can still use them.

It's not Italian pasta sauce. Italians make their own pasta sauce. This is the very essence of American cuisine. Ragu pasta sauce is really just watery ketchup that you can pour from a wide mouthed jar.

The trouble is with contamination I would imagine. If we leave a bunch of crap and then it's dug up later it would give us erroneous data about the planet.

I must concur with PsykoGamer, they're rocks. I don't see anything fibrous, unless you mean the digital artifacts from blowing it up.

Good news? Probably not.

A million years?

Hey thanks Ben.

It doesn't surprise anyone but it's still irksome. You don't have to be surprised by something for it to be obnoxious to you.

No, you won't be able to see it unless you're outside looking at the sky. Caves are right out.

People able to pay or have insurance to pay for this usually pay taxes. Governments hate you, perhaps, but they love the taxes you pay.

With all this innovation Americans can go from simply obese to perfect spheres in no time.

Designating already heavily used lanes wouldn't reduce congestion much except in those lanes while the rest of the lanes would get even more congested. If too many paid the extra fee to drive on them you'd have exactly the same situation now. To improve things they need to add more roads or convince some to not use

I'll be curious to see the results of this pilot. How much smog can it actually deal with and what are the effects on the surrounding atmosphere?

I paid for my phone and my connection to the net so I pay there but I don't pay specific news entities. I've not found one that I'd be willing to pay for. I would only be willing to pay for local news since that won't be offered by too many entities but that's generally free where I live so I guess the answer is no.

iOS only? So now what?

You must have missed the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies.

To be fair they have an awful lot of cash in the bank and 50K isn't going to make any difference one way or another to their success (or failur).

I have been a fan of BB and it was my first smartphone (i'm an android user now, though) and I sure hope they can pull it out of the bag but this video is just weird.

It was interesting to see (:52) that MIT, that bastion of technical expertise, doesn't know what to do with old CRT monitors either.