
I never have my sounds on. If I'm not actually holding my phone or it's not in my pocket where I can feel it's buzzing or it's not in front of me where I can see the visual cues then I don't need/want to know about it. Many others I know don't share this view, however.

The one thing you didn't mention is why anyone should follow these rules? This is an economic problem but if you want people to respond in the way you want then you need some incentive that will actually work. I humbly suggest ranting on a blog is not much of an incentive even if it's cathartic with many hear, hear's

And this should be available for everyone, never. So line up now because never is a long time.

I hadn't really noticed that it was particularly bad but then maybe I don't care enough to have strong opinions about a free app for a free service.

I'm not that interested in things just because they're free. Are they any good? Are they comfortable? I have good quality underwear that look much as they did when I bought them several years ago. I don't think this service would interest me.

A large serving fork that belonged to my mom when I was a kid. It still works and needs no software upgrades. Or what did you mean by tech? The fork is pretty old technology I suppose but most people still use it in some form or another.

I don't have my birth date on my facebook for people to access. So if someone knows when my birthday is and says happy birthday that's great. The vast majority of people don't when my birthday is and why should they? I don't know many other people's birth dates either. I don't say happy birthday to people on Facebook.

Pure conjecture. We don't even know how life started on earth let alone how it might start elsewhere. Make the numbers as big or small as you want depending on how optimistic you feel. You put them low enough and you get zero sentience anywhere else. Is that any more correct or wrong than any one else's guess?

I do most of my downloading overnight of things I want to look at but don't need to see immediately. I have a pile of stuff on my HD waiting to be seen so I don't need to have any patience and the quality is much better than streaming it. I don't recommend sitting there and watching the progress bar.

Is it made from actual lego pieces or are some of the pieces fabricated by the builder?

I'm with you although I never turn off adblocker pro. If the internet's success is counting on me looking at ads then I guess it's going to fail and everyone will have to pay for everything.

I just cut out all that paid entertainment stuff entirely which includes Netflix. I can't see anything convincing me to get them again.

You surely can't deny the fact that we aren't alone in the universe.

In the cloud, when something goes wrong, you are screwed.

That's what I was wondering. What processes make it take hours to get your stuff. Does a person need to respond or is it just a slow connection? I plainly don't understand this at all.

I suspect there's a reason there's no sound on this video. Another thing that isn't like the Star Wars bikes. Not sure what it would be used for aside from a fun toy.

Some students struggle more than others, of course, but that probably has more to do with learning strategies than a disability.

This is interesting but I would also be interested in what actual effects these personal attitudes have. This appears to be an actual study and wasn't conducted by a show of hands. That is, many of these "judgers" may not give any evidence of this judgment in any overt way. Indeed they may have only revealed their

It feels just like yesterday because most days are pretty much like another.

Ahh, OK. Fair enough. Thanks for the info.