
A product in search of a market. Good luck with that.

I don't wear one anymore because I have clocks in front of me all the time. I guess I was one of those people that wore a watch so I could know what time it was.

Why can't I like posts? This was a perfect response to this inane article.

Your first sentence says it all: "conceptual furniture designs". This isn't meant to be comfortable or even to be used. It's a piece of art that is meant to be gazed at more than anything.

Liking things the way you like them is, I humbly suggest, perfectly acceptable. I am one of the many that prefers my meat on the rare side but my dad liked his "brown all the way through". My dad didn't prefer his meat "ruined" as some would say but rather the way he liked it. Similarly I prefer my coffee black and

I agree. Specialty gizmos for a problem that isn't a problem. These kinds of products are common in BBQing, Golf and "storage solutions".

You're telling me that there isn't one? What's wrong with you Apple people.

Never? haha... you greatly underestimate the oafishness of drinkers on beaches.

Why this is this such a big deal. Besides that it's Apple. Were there no podcast apps in the app store before this? That can't be true.

$28 because that's what I spent on the one I just bought. It was pretty nifty because it has a toddler's seat that can is held up magnetically inside the adult toilet seat. I have a toddler and we could get rid of the potty. This is a good thing.

I trust it wasn't the bloated memory hog that it is today. iTunes is the worst thing ever to come out of Apple. It's a pity it's so important to its success and dominates all their content delivery.

Professor Hubert Farnsworth says that Uranus was changed to Urectum in 2620 to avoid people making the "your anus" joke.

The problem is that throughout most of human history baldness occurred long after a man had already reproduced. It's now widespread in many populations. It also doesn't preclude reproduction or lower fitness accept in the sexual selection arena. However, we don't know if our ancestors (pre-literate) preferred men with

It's a bit confusing even when I read the futurity article but it appears that this extends the glow by some time but you need to add more chemical in time even if you don't need to add more electricity. I may be wrong but the article isn't at all clear to me.

This is "shut up, go away and never darken the door again" money. Probably a lot cheaper than fighting to get rid of them until the company is bankrupt in 10 years. Not that they need the money. They are multimillionaires even with RIM tanking. Lazaridis has been building his huge house for the last 15 years.

Where I live the dial tone and busy signal are still on the phones, at least if you have a land line which most people still do here. I remember the sound of a modem but it's because in my office we still have a fax machine which is still used for some things. My co-worker's typing style has made it so I haven't

It could very well be a flying craft, eh? Sure, if we're dreaming anyway, why not a huge stone mushroom pushed there by a troll. I'm opening my mind real wide now.

I don't have my birth date on there (not accessible to people anyway). The only people I care about wishing me a happy birthday are my immediate family and even then not so much. Since getting past the age of 14 I haven't cared that much.

Very beautiful and simple. I like it.

I have never spent that kind of money on a belt that I'm aware of but I just buy simple leather belts. That is, they're not Italian or Maine leather but tanned cow hide. You can usually get high quality belts at a "western" store for much less that will wear like iron.