
A macbook pro 17" a couple years ago. Has some problems but it works well enough.

I don't remember. My kitchen maybe?

I love Dawkin's books on science but I'm not terribly interested in his screeds against religion. It's tiresome and has nothing whatever to do with science. Atheism isn't science any more than any other particular belief system. Science plays well with most belief systems because science doesn't have anything to say

Any part of the body that secretes something is a part of the body that doesn't lend itself to gear-sharing.

You, too, can make incredibly low quality and nutrition-free food-like substances in your own home. Why rely on big corporations to malnourish you when you can do it yourself.

I'll believe this when my next laptop lasts 24 hours on a single charge. This is just so much hype which may, or more likely, may not be realistic in the real world.

I'm not sure I believe them when they say that it was a junior staffer. It might have been but it might also have been Ms. Lazar herself. It's a lot less embarrassing to say it was an underling than say something else. But of course they're not saying.

Murk could have meant "no longer patronize the establishment of" or "write a piece on my blog about". Well, in any case, it would have taken all of 30 seconds to look up on their phone while they were driving over to the guy's house.

The thing is, how much money do your fond memories make for Disney today? I suspect it's pretty close to zero. Indeed, you probably didn't give any money for the first time around either, that was your parents. I'm sorry to say that the memory-making movie was designed to make money and if these "classics", as you

Your concern for Nokia's future is laudable but you could feel free to QUIT IT since you use an iPhone. If you don't want a Symbian phone don't buy it, of course.

Well this used to happen all the time in the early days of Yale when they had filing cabinets of personal data in the unsecured buggy barn.

5 million wasn't paid for this piece but if you were to buy the software on the hard drive at retail it would cost 5 million. Which is exactly why most people feel that pirating isn't really stealing much of anything at all.

Because he's an artist and probably hired a lazy and indifferent site developer to make his site.

This kind of thing just seems silly to me. So you made a box out of lego and put all the actually working parts of a camera inside it. How is that a lego camera? Camera bodies coverings are made out of all kinds of materials. This one happens to be made out of plastic (like most cameras today are) pieces that instead

What about all the crazy behaviour of dogs that don't portend anything? My dog used to (he's dead now so he doesn't do anything anymore) suddenly jump up and bark at the closet and act all suspicious for hours after even when I showed him it was empty.

These aren't emails but are diplomatic and government cables. While they're not sent via cables anymore (like telegraph) there are still protocols and formatting requirements that haven't changed since telegraph days.

Perhaps but the evidence in the emergency wards and funeral homes in places where celebratory firing in the air is common would suggest that mythbusters is really about selling Pizza Hut pizzas.

I think you mean the Steve Rosenbaum 9/11 Memorial App will be an iPad exclusive. Or does he have some kind of rights to producing apps oriented around this event? Can't some other writer/director cash in on this too?

You don't extend the logic far enough. If making things look pretty doesn't count, why do electronics count. You can eat gold but it has no nutrients so it has no value at all.

This star has a mass of 6 - 15 Jupiter masses. Jupiter is 317 times more massive than earth so the gravitational forces would be enough to turn you into a very thin film.